just wanting some advise here took my 1990 mazda astina for a wof and failed on rear brakes imbalanced front left 270 front right 230 rear left 130 rear right 90 so check rear shoes and cylinders and adjusted but no difference changed proportioning valve no difference replaced seals in master cylinder haven't retested yet but now the pedal bleeds away on light pressure running out of option hoping some one with a few more years of experience than my 7 years could help out
Dec 18, 12:20am
you should have tryed a whole master not just seals to me its the master as 1 front and 1 rear is out.
Dec 18, 12:23am
thats the thing they arent worried about the front brakes but there is the same amount of indifference in the front right as the rear right and cant find a master cylinder to suit as it appears that someone has changed the booster and all to something else that even the brake and clutch guys cant work out what car its from
Dec 18, 12:24am
if it was only the front i would have said seezed caliper on front with not enough pressure Did you check the front caliper for leaks ! the one with not enough pressure is where i would start.
Dec 18, 12:26am
mazda are a nightmare the factory in japan probably done that i fitted rear brakes to a 1998 capella from a 1987 subaru. well thats what the brakepads where that i fitted lol.
Dec 18, 12:27am
checked all cylinders for leaks by removing boots and applying pressure replaced front pads as they where low unseized caliper slides drained all fluid and put new dot 4 in
Dec 18, 12:29am
did you check on the road if it pulls to one side ! dont crash do who knows maybe there brake machine is faulty reading .
Dec 18, 12:29am
all the pads and shoes are right for the car but the master cylinder is bigger than the factory one factory should be 22mm but this one is 24.5mm
Dec 18, 12:31am
done the good old gravel test and all was fine they put it on 2 different machines and its the same and watched them put other cars across the same machines with no problems and no its vtnz or the likes that im going to
Dec 18, 12:38am
go to somone without a roller then just dont sell it after , only other option i can think off is pickapart to get the master and booster
Dec 18, 12:41am
none of those guys left in nelson now sadly otherwise i would
Dec 18, 12:41am
yea thats what im going to try next
Dec 18, 1:04am
take your car to a indian owned garage will fly through warrant they dont have brake machines
Dec 18, 1:05am
the only Indian ownedshops around nelson are the on the spot shops
Dec 18, 1:44am
Prop valve wolda had it down on LEFT rear not RIGHT rear. ALWAYS adjust and BLEED rears on em. Also suspect adding1 0P.S.I. to both Right Hand tyres will change thebrake roller readings.
Dec 18, 1:52am
ok thats a new one will try that tomorrow
Dec 19, 12:52am
well after leaving the car alone i went back and rechecked the new seals in the master cylinder and oops i made a bluey i nicked the side of one seal with the locking screw in the bottom of the cylinder sleeve so got another seal from the brake guys and fingers crossed the car passes its wof tomorrow lesson of the day dont work on cars when angry
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