Kind of a good reason NOT to have Coastguard in my book. There are many repeat offenders.
Dec 24, 9:21pm
meathead i have already done as you say but have ordered the spark plugs just to have a extra set here seems they are in short supply but am sure it is not the plugs or the way it is wired or the battery or any fuse or the kill switch.the power is getting to the starter but not the plugs so to the boat shop it going when they open.
Dec 24, 9:58pm
check the switch UNDER THE can accidently turn it off
Dec 24, 10:49pm
And make sure it's in park.
Dec 24, 11:07pm
father n law very fussy with his boat and had started it night before,got down to the ramp and was winding over and over but nothing about to put back on trailer when this pointed out to us and such a stupid place to have it also because you can knock it accidently and thats it
Dec 25, 2:10am
had Johnson that would wind over indefinitely but not fire but would start on 3rd compression on a "jump". In that case it was corrosion on the main power lead to the starter. Replaced the lead and problem cured instantly. my (current) 2002 90 Merc was taking 20 or 30 seconds to fire up ,last year so I replaced this lead(from isolation switch) and starting has improved dramatically. Lead was getting splashed when boat was hosed out. Other than that,given what you have said and others have told (fuse fuel kill switch,)A shop may be the quickest solution.
Dec 25, 2:45am
Was the marine batteryfully chagedwhen first tried it .If its new chances arewasnt . Put oncharge overnight .
Dec 25, 3:04am
so having checked al those things you can confirm that it is getting 12v on the input side of the coils, fairly simple to check, either probe the connection or unplug and use a simple 12v 5w bulb if it is and you're still not getting spark then I'd suggest you did wire the battery back to front and now you've cooked all the coils - and new plugs won't fix that, anymore than fitting your spares
Dec 25, 6:37pm
And Just one more thing moving a spark plug lead from the spark plug and fit a spare plug into the end on the spark plug lead . Place the spark plug against the block to earth . but note here a screw diver to hold it against the block or you we get a nice big spark up your arm !Now turn the engine over you will need two people to do this ! see if you have spark at the plugs ! should be a nice big spark ! if there is still no spark then check all your earth points ! It takes time but cleaning the coil earth points may help > My brothers motor was doing the same thing .would not fire .he had just had it serviced. I know with working with cars for over 20 years the earth is just as important as the 12 volt feed wire !
Dec 25, 8:51pm
Is your new MARINE battery a high output starter battery or a very low output storage battery,All your information suggests thhe latter battery.
Dec 25, 9:12pm
530 CCA says starting battery to me.
Dec 25, 10:21pm
I am sure that at no time was the battery connected the wrong way around.Thank you everyone but i have give up and are now going to take it to boat shop when they open.will get on phone to boat shops tmorrow but don't think i will get it in till after jan 6th.I will come back on here when fixed and let you know what it was.No sea fishing for us over xmas break this year
Dec 25, 10:28pm
dunwoody wrote: Is your new MARINE battery a high output starter battery or a very low output storage battery,All your information suggests thhe latter battery.[/quote
low out put and marine battery dont normally go in the same sentence, 550 cca is more then capable of starting an outboard motor, i would think either new battery needs a charge or when hooking up battery maybe the ignition was on and blew a fuse somewhere, or it may just be flooded and the battery was a coincidence.
Dec 25, 10:41pm
have tried other batteries it is not that.
Dec 26, 7:31am
Dec 26, 12:33pm
maybe your power pack has packed up,it can happen for no reason
Dec 26, 9:09pm
Spray start ya bastard up intake when starting if fires then not spark problem
Aug 20, 6:55pm
stick finger up spark lead& hold on tomotorsee if ya get good beltif sotry above^^^
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