I could run a 40 % diesel mix

chebry, Jan 1, 2:09pm
Diesel in a Lada isnt unusual they were available with PSA diesel engines at one point though youd be better off with a whole PSA car than a good engine in a POS

johnf_456, Jan 1, 2:27pm
i know

splinter67, Jan 1, 2:32pm
Morning and happy new year too ya and all the rest of you fellas and felless,s out there

elect70, Jan 1, 8:49pm
Whos to know he's running 50% deisel !

smac, Jan 2, 12:22am
Note to self: check facts THEN post on internet.

the-lada-dude, Jan 2, 6:46pm
still at it eh ! your a F D A

the-lada-dude, Dec 30, 4:18pm
in the original 1600 ladaand it still ran sort of ok ! .a few mods and it would run heaps better .the question is . should I be paying any RUC 's

aj254, Dec 30, 4:25pm
Someone told me once that as long as you are running less than 50% diesel you don't have to pay. Don't know is that's true or not.
Who's going to know anyway!

studio1, Dec 30, 4:52pm
Road user charges are just that. Charges you pay to USE the road. It doesn't matter what sort of energy you use to motivate your vehicle. Even electric cars would need to pay some kind of RUC. It would also be based on distance.
I've run my vehicles on 100% used cooking oil and I still have to pay RUC.

intrade, Dec 30, 5:02pm
yea but he pays ruc on the petrol charged at pumps so they claim

chebry, Dec 30, 6:10pm
I heard if you disconnect the speedo you wont have to pay RUC at all

a18a, Dec 30, 6:18pm
nah, just put the money into my account. I'd spend it on better things.

johnf_456, Dec 30, 6:25pm
I heard if you get caught doing post fives advice you get in big trouble.

the-lada-dude, Dec 30, 7:04pm
If you have to pay RUC 's then it's hardly worth buggering around doing it !say you get to run 50 % ok, does someone want to do the maths and see if you save any thing at all

splinter67, Dec 30, 9:23pm
Only if ya get caught lol big fine if you do but in a car its not that often checked
btw if you see an older diesel with a gps in it 99 out of 100 times the speedo isn't connected