Help Removing Trim Surrounding Car Stereo/ Vents

cerissimo1, Jan 1, 5:36pm
I am trying to remove the trim surrounding my stereo (which also surrounds two vents/ hazard lights/ and rear window defroster), but am having trouble getting it off. I have managed to safely prise about 90% of if off the clips, but the tops part appears to be stuck firm and I cannot get it off. It almost feels like the vents or lights are stuck fast to the dash and I cannot pull it all off in one piece. Am i missing something!It is a Nissan Primera 2000 S/W. Thanks for your help

2sheddies, Jan 1, 6:09pm
I may not be of much help, but I'd like to suggest having a good look for screws in that area. Very often there will be a couple of little PK's hiding there somewhere, helping to hold it all tight. They could be hidden under little covers, or inside, like where the ashtray goes or somewhere on the sides so you need to look very closely. Best of luck!

frytime, Jan 1, 6:46pm
turn vents up, proberbly screws in the top

pickles26, Jan 1, 7:15pm
Or some Nissans need the cable to the vent removed off the heater box.

ozz1, Jan 1, 7:31pm
only 2 screws at bottom.4 clips .(behind surround) one on each side of heater controls. and one above each vent.remove screws. lift bottom out then try and get fingers on either side off heater need to pull out. and down the same careful. and it does take a bit of force.dont worry. i have good surround for sale if u break it. oh and i just went and checked .took it out and replaced it 3 times. (on a wrecker)cheers ian

cerissimo1, Jan 4, 1:20am
thanks sooo much for your help. got the other half to give it a good tug and he managed to exert some extra force that freed it. appreciate the help

pickles26, Jan 4, 4:19pm
I removed one yesterday man they are some tight clips top right corner

ozz1, Jan 4, 8:42pm
thanks for the feedback.and coming back with .the response "that you .got it sorted"thats wat this message board is about. helping people. :) and knowing .that some one helped.:)

pickles26, Jan 4, 10:01pm
thanks ozz1