Five injured in quad bike accident.

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fryan1962, Jan 2, 4:54pm
shame the child was injured

Police say it's lucky nobody died when a quad bike with five people aboard veered over a bank near Waimarama Beach, east of Hastings, late last night.

All five suffered injuries including dislocated hips, broken limbs and head injuries, though none are life-threatening.

The casualties included a young girl who received head injuries.

Hawke's Bay police say the adults were intoxicated and are scathing of their actions.

mazzyz, Jan 2, 5:09pm
Not having lived on a farm I always wondered why farmers don't use 2 wheel motorbikes to get around instead! In my eyes they're safer from the common rollover we keep hearing about and the rider doesn't usually run the risk of ending up squashed underneath it. Even a kid can usually push a 2 wheeler off of themselves if need be, as I found out in my younger years.

fryan1962, Jan 2, 5:46pm
Motorbikes are far more maneuverable, but a quad will carry a lot more,hay or sprayers I am thinking

cowcocky101, Jan 2, 5:58pm
different tools for different purposes, when following the cows to the shed, only traveling 3-5km/hr quad is so much easier, no need to worry bout balancing and can drink a coffee while driving one handed

elect70, Jan 2, 6:10pm
You dont hear of farmersin rollovers, its the tankeduptownies& kidsthat have the accidents .Quad bike is aversatile farm implementwhich was their intended use when firstbought out .& 5 of them ona quad-madness

arandomusername, Jan 2, 6:19pm

Myth: I know how to ride a quad properly, I've been riding for years
On average 850 people are injured riding quad bikes on farms each year and five people die.

Taking a closer look at the statistics we know that many of those injured or killed are not necessarily new or inexperienced riders. Research also shows that having no formal training contributes to the severity of quad bike injuries while those that have formal rider training are at a reduced risk of being killed on a quad bike.

???Just because I??

taurus61, Jan 2, 6:38pm
Of those 850 injured on farms How many are comerical farmers - thats is people who sole income is from farming & how many are under the age of 16, or visitors to the property!

How much land is a farm ! - 1Hectare, 10hectares, or 25+Hectares.

Farming and quad bike accidents together make news. Yet farm more people drowned as a result of boating accidentthan were killed on quads. Yet how many people have formal training regarding the use of a boat. Horse also are up there for deaths and the cost of injuries.

Quads are a valuable tool on farms and can be alot of fun for recreational users, but in the hands of young, inexperanced, or drunk users can be a death trap

Just remember there are lies, dam lies and statistics.

lookoutas, Jan 2, 6:42pm
No they weren't - It was Kiwi farmers that found a No8 wire use for what was intended as an RV.

We've all done stupid things and got away with. But it's a real bumma when fun turns to crap.

arandomusername, Jan 2, 6:50pm
I was replying to elect70's post: "You dont hear of farmers in rollovers".

You do.

trogedon, Jan 2, 7:04pm

austingtir, Jan 2, 7:14pm
Darwinism.I really think people shouldnt stick their noses into this sort of thing so much its a good way of weeding out all the idiots anyway.
I was riding these things around four and three wheelers from when i was about 5 years old or younger sure had a few close calls nothing i could blame on anybody else though.

trogedon, Jan 2, 8:31pm
Who to blame if you'd injured yourself at 5 years old!

lookoutas, Jan 3, 12:14am
The cotton wool fell off.

wind.turbine, Jan 3, 12:34am
if you have a look at life styles using any farm machinery then you will see that it is not so much farmers that are having the accidents.
sure there are a few workers out there that don't care about safe handling and the fact if they roll the bike and kill them selves then it will be the boss that goes down for it.
I saw a a father and young son on a a small life style tractor with no roll bar and mowing.
if that kid falls off and goes through the mower then how it is it going to look!
like normal on the news it will be stated that a (farmer) killed his son by having him standing on the side.and that's how everyone will see it.
not that he was a townie and had no idea but a farmer.
everyone knows how it gives farming a bad name when people to dumb thing like that.
they also should be charged for this as they where drunk.
I do think that might be a good rule to have that if you are found to be under the influence after you roll a quad then you ether get no ACC or get a fine for it.
some rules they are trying to make are dumb but I think this one might Make a difference.
Plus another thing FIVE PEOPLE!
That is crazy.
It is hard enough to control a quad with one person let alone 5!
In charge of a 6 year old while drunk, controlling a quad while drunk, controlling a quad with 5 people inc a 6 year old and being drunk!
Its just madness.

dezzie, Jan 3, 12:35am
Yep, as far as I know, any quad bike accident, even if its someone damaging themselves riding along the beach to their favourite fishing hole, gets lumped into "farmers",injuries at adventure parks, and quad bike racing as well, this current accident is a prime example, they were drunk people riding on the road at 11.40 when all farmers are tucked up in their beds because they get up early.yet the media is going on about quad deaths "on farms" statistics.they were not on a farm, and to be honest I very much doubt they were farmers as well.

taurus61, Jan 3, 12:59am
My question to you was What defines a farm or a farmer! as others have pointed out a kid rolling a quad on a 10hectare lifestyle block is report/recorded as a farm accident. Very difficult to leagally make your sole income off 10 hectares. While you see reports in the media if you question there assumption many fall short of fact.
Farmers do get hurt on quad bikes, builders get hurt on construction sites, fishermen drown at sea. These are unfortunate facts. I support responsible use of quad bikes.

kenw1, Jan 3, 1:04am
Where does it say these people were farmers!at 11.20 at night highly unlikely to be dairy farmers, but I have not seen the occupation/s of those involved specified yet.

austingtir, Jan 3, 1:04am
Probably my Grandad but if id of died at 5 i would of accepted that to, it was fun.

luckyluke02, Jan 3, 1:08am
More like this is a motorcycle accident and the rest of us who ride on the road will pay for the cost of the injuries with our ACC levies.

If it is a farm accident and the farm is a commercial business then the farmer / owner should find themselves in court in the same way a construction company does when they seriously injure a worker.

Where was the health and safety policy!
Was a task analysis done!
Were all practical steps taken to mitigate the risks!

If no then all involved including the owner are at fault, and should be held to account.

If the injured person is under 15 then dunno, should they be there in the first place!

dr.doolittle, Jan 3, 1:12am
Bloody Labour voters. Pfffft

gunhand, Jan 3, 1:14am
There are (sing this) dumb ways to die so many dumb ways to die.
Its what humans do. No legislation will stop it. As long as theres a human brain involved anyway.

austingtir, Jan 3, 1:15am
My thoughts exactly.

luckyluke02, Jan 3, 1:30am

dezzie, Jan 3, 2:15am
So why, on the news article tonight, was there a big blah blah blah about farm death stats on quad bikes!

patiki1, Jan 3, 2:16am
Five people die and 850 people are injured riding quad bikes on farms in New Zealand each year.
??? ACC-accepted claims resulting from quad bike accidents on farms fell from 732 in 2005-06 to 625 in 2011-12
??? For the year 2012 to date, ACC has paid out more than $1.8 million in accident claims involving quad bikes.
??? Quad bikes are responsible for about 30% of all agricultural deaths.
