Car losing power?

angel327, Jan 18, 11:11pm
any ideas what could have caused this.I have a 95 honda oddessy was driving on the open rd & it suddenly lost power, there was no sound or any warnings & now wont start at all.It has never had any problems before

paynta1, Jan 18, 11:13pm
Cam belt

paynta1, Jan 18, 11:16pm
look if the cambelt light is on

m16d, Jan 18, 11:35pm
Out of petrol.

thunderbolt, Jan 18, 11:42pm
Cambelt light! OMG when does school start back again!

NZTools, Jan 18, 11:44pm
the cambelt light is only conne ted to the speedo, not the cambelt. Ie it turnes on each time the odometer clocks another 100,000 kms.
There are hundreds of things that could cause a car to lose power and stop. If you have no mechanical knowledge, get it towed to a garage.

ml6989, Jan 19, 3:27am
You need to go back to basics, check for fuel, spark and co ordination. Having said that, I have had a similar problem on Hondas, and the coil is often the part that fails. New ones are about $50 from memory, but don't just fit one and hope, diagnose the problem first.

nissan_fan, Jan 19, 3:41am
Distributer, dry soilder in main relay under the dash, snapped cambelt are just a few things it could be. Get it checked by someone that knows what they are looking at

franc123, Jan 19, 3:50am
Some of those oddities also had dodgy ignition switches too.

ml6989, Jan 19, 2:37pm
#8 & #9 are certainly common problems too, but usually there are a few warning signs and generally they fail to start as opposed to dying in service. Keep an open mind all the same, nothing is impossible!

kazbanz, Jan 19, 2:56pm
Angel--THANK YOU for describing the car and the symptom properly.
Could you though say what it still does do.
Are theLights still working!
is itstill cranking over when you turn the key!
Does it sound a LOT different when you crank it over!