Car dealers etc Insurance Question (kaz?)

miniclubmangt, Jan 23, 2:55pm
Hey guys, Who do you use for insurance to cover cars! We generally have 2a week selling and buying but gradually getting more etc. We are applying to become a rmvt and am now looking into insurance that will cover a wide amount of cars. Any tips who to call. Have one quote here for 4k inc gst does this sound about right! Thanks so much for any help

kazbanz, Jan 23, 6:12pm
I have t 1/2 million dollar cover. Excess basicly $500 I'm with zuric.
For that cover I pay about 6k a yearNo complaints about em

westwyn, Jan 23, 6:48pm
Crombie Lockwood are the biggest motor trade insurance brokers in the business, they have a number of specialised policies for traders depending on the level of cover you require, brokered to various insurers (of which Zurich is one, AIG another).

As a base, you'll need cover for the estimated total value of your projected stock (it is unwise to "underinsure", whereby you declare a lesser value of your stock holding to bring down the premium, in turn, in the event of a claim of significance, a sharp loss adjuster will twig to this and your claim value reduced accordingly) plus "drive" cover (everyday use of the car(s) you use in a semi-private capacity), cover for test-drives (usually restricted to accompanied, or if unaccompanied, full NZ licence sighted / recorded only, no learners or overseas), theft, fire, third party (damage YOU do) plus tools, office equipment, business interruption (in the event of a fire etc) plus PL (public liability) etc. You can choose the bits you do, or don't, want, but it's always a gamble to short-change the stuff you might actually need.

For this, expect to pay between $5-7,000 plus GST, depending on your location, premises security, alarms, type of stock etc, with an excess of at least $500, if not $1000.

$4K plus GST sounds a little (too) cheap, do some shopping around and see what you're actually getting. Insurance is one of those unavoidables where there's no such thing as a deal that's too good to miss- you always have to read the fine print.

Congrats on making the "proper" move to get your registration!

miniclubmangt, Jan 23, 8:18pm
Thanks guys, Wanna do it all legit and we stand behind our vehicles anyway and we arent rego'd yet. Only sold a few cars but we slowly getting busier and have a few customers that we buying on behalf for etc

miniclubmangt, Jan 23, 8:19pm
Thanks for the advice. I had a broker looking for me but its such a new field