Car radio tuning

toeblister, Jan 22, 2:36am
Does anyone know a place in West Auckland that I can get my car radio tuned in please.

unbeatabull, Jan 22, 2:38am
What do you mean tuned in! Tuned into what!

toeblister, Jan 22, 2:47am
O.k. you know how you push a number and you get different stations to listen to,after helping a friend jump start their car I can no longer get any station to listen to.Gosh I hope I'm making sense. I have tried 'scanning'to get a station but it didn't happen.

unbeatabull, Jan 22, 2:51am
Assuming no fuses etc are blown . any 12+ year old will most likely know how to do it for you! Ask ya neighbours kids or whatever! Technology is great for them :P

For specifics, you could list the stereo type you have on here and someone with the same stereo can explain exactly the process as some are different to others.

spyware, Jan 22, 2:55am
if scanning don't work then maybe antenna cable has been damaged or the jump start process produced a back emf that has damaged the radio.

skull, Jan 22, 3:00am
Tune it manually to a station then push and hold the button you want to store that station to and the same with any other buttons you want to tune to a station.

toeblister, Jan 22, 1:08pm
Thank you kindly for all the tips.

ali-s, Jan 24, 3:57pm
Yes, I have had this problem too and yes it's not just a matter of re-scanning the stations. From memory, there's a setting that changes the scanning interval from looking from even-numbered frequencies (eg 95.8 to odd-numbered 95.5). The default is .8 but NZ uses .5 so when your radio is disconnected it defaults to the wrong one - presto no radio stations. Read the manual for the interval re-set feature.