Toyota recall. what about the Jap imports in NZ?

thejazzpianoma, Jan 30, 10:06pm
What happens!

Will NZ owners of these vehicles get a letter in the post advising them of the airbag recall and be able to get this tended to!

Or will they drive on, most of whom will be blissfully unaware!

unbeatabull, Jan 30, 10:10pm
That wipers one is a bit of a joke. Every time we get snow here we get a lot of cars that come in with stuck wipers or blown wiper motors due to the snow being to heavy. Someone must of threatened action against them. Toyota are good at settling stuff outside of the media to keep their name good.

pickles26, Jan 30, 10:34pm
they will get a letter like usual

bwg11, Jan 30, 10:37pm
From my past experience Jazz, you can expect great recall service from Toyota. I bought an imported 1996 Prado in 2004. I was contacted by Toyota (resulting from their search of new registrations of imports) to bring it in for the well known rear axle recall.

Different from VW's attitude in China - no replacement recall - just an attempt to reflash the ECU which it appears to make the issue worse, Thats OK though - They apologised to the owners.

moosie_21, Jan 30, 10:53pm
Ouch, burn. Wipers versus gearbox! Little bit of a no-brainer which one is (much, much) more important!

In Canada you always clear the snow and de-ice before driving off. Seems like Kiwi's need to spend a winter there!

rob_man, Jan 30, 11:11pm
The movie: Toyotal Recall.

skull, Jan 30, 11:14pm
Jazz is well tuned into pointing out Toyota recalls and a little deaf and blind when it comes to VW recalls. I wonder if it was a VW recall if Jazz would have been the one starting it! Most of us appreciate your posts jazz, no need to be so biased, you mainly have good wise advice.
Edited to add I currently own a Toyota Blade, my very first Toyota ever, purchased December 2012.

carstauranga001, Jan 30, 11:29pm
Hahaha, funny thread Jazz. BTW Mazda recalled my mums imported (by me of coarse) Demio and nothing was ever in the paper about it. Sometimes I wonder if they do it to get more clients on the dealers yard. My mum was rapt to be well looked after, given a coffee etc whilst waiting and I recon if her son didn't have a yard they would've gained a new client.

arrithedog, Jan 31, 12:22am
Got my letter this morning :-)

carstauranga001, Jan 31, 1:03am
When Renault have a recall they send you a French letter.

morrisman1, Jan 31, 1:08am
Even the Chinese aren't happy with their VWs, now thats saying something!

austingtir, Jan 31, 1:11am
Jazz you could make an omelette with all that egg on your face.

supernova2, Jan 31, 2:12am
They should do that with each parts invoice 'caus they certainly do their best to shaft you with their pricing!

kazbanz, Jan 31, 2:17am
Jazz was happy to gloss over the fact that despite his many statements to the contray Toyota is again the biggest manufacturer of cars . In the world
(read with a clarkson pause)

thejazzpianoma, Jan 31, 2:35am
Thanks everyone. I knew I could count on the Toyota drivers to be familiar with the recall process.

pauloc, Jan 31, 3:56am
Actually most Toyota owners don't come on this thread they are all just driving their cars or getting a life Jazz

ringo2, Jan 31, 4:37pm
But hasn't Jazz told us ad nauseum that only brainwashed Kiwis buy Toyotas. It would seem that every Kiwi must have a few thousand Toyotas hidden

gadgit3, Jan 31, 5:02pm
Only affecting US market cars so the imported Voltz owners will get a letter and any other odd ball gray import. these take a little longer to prosess as TNZ need the help of LTSA to track down how many many have been imported and who owns them.