So you undercut them everyday on every line! Pull the other one. How do you maintain GP!
Feb 5, 11:10am
So when you get a Pac and Save docket, you HAVE to fill up at their pumps! Our PnS doesn't have any pumps, so we just fill up wherever we like.
Feb 5, 11:59am
BP Fuel seems to run best in my cars, use super octane and have an AA Fuel card, free for AA members which is usually 6c per litre off.Prefer to shop at Countdown.
Feb 5, 12:09pm
No, Pak N Save use Mobil now. Although, if your town has a Pak N Save and no Mobil, and no Pak N Save pumps that could be interesting.
Feb 5, 5:51pm
Papamoa P N S has 95 & 91 petrol
Feb 5, 6:00pm
Overall BP is better over old n new cars i found for performace wise Gull econ / price wise even though my SR20 seems better on gull the rest i never go anywhere near unless im out of gas even my mower hates Caltex
Feb 5, 6:01pm
I can't believe the differences in petrol pricing around Auckland the last 6 months. Z ash st and Z rata st Avondale have had their price stuck on $2.02 for a good 5 months, keep driving and pass a BP and it's always $2.10 or more. Caltex Stanley st is $2.14 at the moment. But good ol Z is still $2.02. And dumb arse people continue to fill up at these over priced gas stations.
Feb 5, 6:30pm
Smart buying.
Some of their stuff is absurdly overpriced.
Feb 5, 6:32pm
It's nice to see some REAL competition in the market after all were for so long the same price or .1-.2 of a cent different.
Feb 5, 6:37pm
Yet, head over to Z Te Atatu and it's $2.12. Pisses me off, but not as much as their LPG gouging - Down to $1.60 at the moment, where Caltexes around town are $1.34ish. Petrol is a convenience purchase, most people cbf going out of their way to fill up so pick from the stuff on their route. and to be honest, I don't, i just pick what's best in my travels. And I dont shop at pak'n'save more than once a month coz their meat is shit and their specials don't warrant the dirty feeling I have to wash off after.
Feb 5, 6:37pm
What evidence do you have that the comparisons of the products are not as you call it "real world shopping" In todays regulated advertising industry dont you think Countdown would have blown them out of the water if they werent fair comparisons! I'm sure they would have had the advs up before the ASA if they could have. My own regular weekly shopping shows a saving of $15-$20 on a $150 shop at P&S. Admittedly the range isnt as good but I can live with that.
Feb 5, 6:48pm
tigra if you read that post again you will see its not "real world shoppig" that jazz is arguing but "the way HE shops." Lord knows what he buys as even the beer (and the wine) is usually dearer at Countdown.
Feb 5, 6:56pm
I wouldnt be surprised if Jazz makes his own beer and wine!
Feb 5, 8:46pm
Got to wonderat any differencesin fuel . When we had chalengethere was a definate difference, it was all importedpetrol& I reckoncars ran better on it than any ofother brands .As toothersifrun ahi perfcar then fill up atbusieststation asthey will have the freshest fuel . I findBP 98marginallybetterthan Z in the BMW
Feb 5, 10:52pm
Really you can tell even if its only marginally better!
Feb 6, 12:08am
Absolutely, worth every (extra) cent.
Feb 6, 3:50am
I thought that fuel has to meet a min standard.If so why would any supplier exceed that standard as to do so must cost them more as if it all comes out of the one plant the only way to make it better is to add something.
The only way to decide which fuel is best would be to run a test under controlled conditions.Has the AA or anyone done such a thing.
We shop at P&S and fill up when there.When you have spent $300 on groceries whats another $100 to fill the car.LOL.If travelling we use our AA card so go to either BP or Caltex.To be honest I've never noticed any performance change no matter what brand of 91 I use in the Primera.
Like others have said who knows what Jazz buys but IMHO there is noway that Countdown would be cheaper on our usual shop.We have done the comparisions from time to time and P&S is about 10% cheaper.
Feb 6, 5:15am
LOL, interesting to see there are a couple of nay sayers who haven't worked out how the "comparison" scam works.
Feb 6, 6:42am
Its easy to do your own comparisons.Make up your shopping list and then price it on the countdown web site.Take ya list to P&S and only buy the items that are less.In our case that it almost always all of the things we want.
Feb 6, 12:47pm
WTF this is a motoring forum not the shopping channel. Op pns use mobil now used to be bp.
Feb 6, 12:50pm
None so blind as those whowont go in a P&S stoe.
Feb 6, 1:02pm
Biggest load of bollocks I have ever read.So if I can normally get 600km out of a tank of Caltex you are saying I would only get 480KM if I buy PnS petrol. Total rubbish.
Feb 6, 1:03pm
And there is absolutely no difference.
Feb 6, 2:22pm
There is not absolutely no difference. The fuel tankers are dosed with each brands own additives at the time of filling for distribution. Only the base is the same.
Feb 6, 3:39pm
And the additives are a micro addition and are only for advertising purposes without any useful benefit.
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