hello, my 4x4 2006 mazda bounty ute went for a warrant for a few months ago and they said it was in need of a service. i still havnt done it but to save money i thought i could do the oil change myself! im not a machanic but i was wondering would this be a waste of time because they might just end up removing the oil anyway to get to some parts whatever that maybe. cheers
Feb 7, 3:26am
How much money do you think you'll save!
Feb 7, 4:46am
Oil changes are very very important in diesel motors. 06! probably the usual 10,000km. Do you believe you can find and remove both the sump plug and oil filter! Drain the oil out! - (into a drain tray). Fill a new oil filter with oil, and fit to the engine! replace and tighten the sump plug! fill the engine with the required/reccomended oil quantity (checking the dip stick while filling) starting and running up for a minute, checking for leaks etc, recheck the oil level on the dip stick, and drive for another 10,000km. Lack of regular oil changes can result in premature engine failure! used to be the catch phrase. Services are a lot more involved - checking antifreeze level and usefulness, same with brake fluid, gearbox and diff oils, check drive belts for cracks, fuel and air filters, suspension components etc. Service is often a mis-used term for "change the oil".
Feb 7, 3:32pm
if you fill it with wrong oil then it will blow up on you i can only advise you to do one thing to use flashlube in every tank of fuel or (morresy diesel stop smoke) these 2 are the best to help stop premature wear on diesel injector system. flashlube is usually sold at partsmaster and morreys at supersheep auto. Thats how you do save serious money. and rest is to service the diesel on time. find a propper diesel specialist as egr needs cleaning fom time to time. the 2 additives also help it run cleaner so egr wont block up fast.
Feb 7, 3:36pm
Just get it done, oil is cheap and its cheap peace of mind vs issues relating to not servicing. Oil is like living things having no blood. Over the past 30 years I have seen my share of neglected engines.
Feb 7, 5:16pm
Dont worry about some of the advice from above change the oil and filter its not that hard while your there the air and fuel filter should be done as well both quite simple to do
Feb 7, 5:17pm
Love your picture on mb2 lol
Feb 7, 5:34pm
Sump plug size is 19mm, use a good quality spanner or sockets. Oil filter will be a Z9 or a Z418 (both will fit, just different size cans). Before you drain the oil, you will need to remove the sump guard, loosen the front two bolts, remove the back two and slide the plate out. When all the oil is drained, some oil drops will run along the subframe making a bit of a mess. Engine will hold up to 6.5 litres of oil.
Don't forget to grease the prop shaft universal joints, there are 3 grease nipples on the rear one and 2 on the front one.
Fuel filter is a Z332.
Feb 7, 6:31pm
What picture!
Feb 7, 6:33pm
wow flashlube is cool.
Feb 7, 10:24pm
The one that is all over the web.
Feb 7, 11:39pm
Isn't that the model that has the oil filter in that PITA place where you can't quite get a filter wrench on from underneath and have to do through the hole in the guard! Meh, I just my slipjaws instead lol.
Feb 7, 11:48pm
Well there is nothing to my knowledge
Feb 8, 12:01am
i dont know
Feb 8, 12:10am
the thing is i am definately going to have a serveice done no matter what. the point i want to make is will it be a waste of time if i do the oil change instead of the mechanic during the service that i want to have. i am only doing it to save money i hope but i dont know if that will save money at at because the mechanic might just end up removing the fresh new oil and chucking it away. i do know how to change the oil and filter
Feb 8, 12:49am
Zeilberg-as long as you know what mileage etc it is due, when you take it in for a "service", just tell them the oil filter and filter were done X Kms ago, or a due in X Kms so please don't do.
Feb 8, 2:22am
Regardless, it does illustrate that you really need to hire a PR specialist, you aren't winning the popularity contest at the moment, not by a long shot. The upside of having Bellky around is that at least his level of extremism made you look quite tame in comparison!
And to OP! Get your servicing done, it is false economy to 'save money' by neglecting to do it. Get it sorted and your vehicle will love you for it :) As for flashlube that intrade keeps pushing like he owns the company, well on one hand I am against it on principle as he flogs it like it is some sort of failproof mechanical panacea (which we all know doesn't exist) but I will give that flashlube stuff credit, it did clean some mildly blocked carbs on a bike of mine, so it can't be too bad. Get second, third, forth professional opinions before dumping additives into your vehicle though, they ain't always sweetness and cures
Feb 8, 2:52am
Funny how you still got it removed.along with the thread on TM discussion.well done for quoting the post for adding another 0900 number to your extensive toll bill.
Feb 8, 2:59am
My partner does all his own oil changes on his 1995 Isuzu bighorn he does it every 5000K's but only because it has 320000K's on it. He curses the oil filter only because he has to get it out and has an exhaust pipe, drive shaft and torsion bar to contend with, and I do know he puts wynns injector cleaner with biocide through it every now and then and runs some rislone stuff in with the oil (something to do with keeping seals soft) and he uses engine flush before draining oil out to clean the engine plus he greases his drive shafts every month. Any major stuff outside of his capability he takes to mechanic but does most of his own work on his wagon.
Feb 8, 3:18am
Yeah, that's the one. I just use the pliers type filter remover (which is very similar to slipjaws). And once the filter is off, you get another damn mess of oil all over the front diff.
Feb 8, 3:21am
Best to leave it to the mechanic, as a service is a lot more than just an oil change.
Feb 8, 6:51am
See profile and no I don't have a phone bill because l don't ring it ever.
Feb 8, 3:15pm
Does your mum know you where out of bed so late. You are going to be in trouble when she sees what time you where on her computer
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