And who appointed you to do that job! What's in it for you! The more "friendly reminders" you dish out, the more you look like a tosser.
Feb 8, 11:12pm
I can't say who,but really if everyone behaved there would be no problem.
Feb 8, 11:39pm
Yeah.a lot of people suffer from behavioral problems.
Feb 8, 11:41pm
Only a few here
Feb 9, 3:49am
No one likes a self appointed policeman/nark. Take your control freak issues elsewhere, or man up and join the real police, that will soon sort out whether you are a man or a mouse.
Feb 9, 6:43pm
what da hell is happening with my thread!
Feb 9, 6:53pm
Ignore them zeilberg, some just pick me regardless
Feb 9, 7:00pm
have you changed your oil yet there should be no reason to drop the oil out of your engine for a service just make sure you use diesel oil change the air and oil filters at the same time
Feb 9, 7:04pm
Well, there's an admission .Well done johnno!
Feb 10, 3:59am
One half of the famous Dynamic Duo showed up, instant thread derailing ensues. And yes, I am guilty of involvement, but it is for a good cause. Hope you got your motor sorted :)
Feb 11, 2:52am
yep did the oil change, greased the universal cross shaft things. i put a compressor through the top of the engine to get the last bit of oil out. last oil change i did i use the energiser ceramic aditive. cant see any difference in performance due to the addidtive. it says the aditive will last over 40,000kms. so nest 4 changes il redo it with the second sache i got from the feild days for $60! 2 for 60 it was.
Feb 11, 12:12pm
Did you do your air and fuel filters!
Feb 12, 3:27am
yep did the air filter but not the fuel filter.dont know how to do the fuel filter. a tank of fuel would last me 3 weeks but now it only lasts 2 weeks i hope its due to the fuel filter
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