Mazda Bongo Diff upgrade

ben313, Feb 7, 12:18am
I have a 2003 mazda bongo commercial van
but first gear is way to low and 5th gear revs really high at 100kph
I have been told to get a new diff head which should speed both up
my question is what ratio do I have and what ratio do I need
I have a 1.8 petrol manual

lookoutas, Feb 7, 2:06am
You'r gunna have to find out your diff ratio. Maybe off your ID plate, and use Google.
Wouldn't pay to move too much with low power. Say you have a 3.7 - don't go much taller than 3.5.

Have you got room to try a higher profile tyre on the back!
Go to your tyre shop and ask them to put a couple of scubbers on so you can try it.

paul861, Feb 7, 2:11pm
i have a 91 ish bongo deseil truck to scrap. motor is nearly buggered ,but the rest is good. dont know the diff ratio tho. been offered $350 for it as is.