New VF Commodore pics

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sw20, Feb 10, 4:43am
They did away with those for a reason, the extra effort involved.

My old mans Armstrong Siddeley has push button start. It is 62 years old.

clark20, Feb 10, 5:05am
There are two types, one you still have to insert a "key" and then push the start button (FPV!) and one where the key stays in your pocket and you just push start. The latter one is the good one the VF has. Work has a 2009 Previa that does the same.

whqqsh, Feb 10, 10:38am
Looks like Merc front, Camry rear IMO, not nice

mazzyz, Feb 10, 4:47pm
I think Holden have done alright with this car and it will probably sell reasonably well imo. It's inoffensive to the eye, bland even but that's not a bad thing. Doesn't look ugly like a car you wouldn't be seen dead in and it's not a stunner either so I believe it will appeal to a larger range of buyers without polarising opinions too much other than the typical GM/Ford gripes. Might not look like a 'typical' Holden but it does look like(appearance wise) they've moved into this century for their final effort, good.

croco1, Feb 11, 1:52am
2013 Holden Racing Team VF Commodore Revealed!v=fMTXK66L8xI

frytime, Feb 11, 1:59am
that looks better, still woun't be buying one

gman35, Feb 11, 2:13am
Why is the grill on the race car so much shallower ! Looks similar to VE size.

fordcrzy, Feb 11, 2:20am
what a joke! how can holden enter a car in V8SC that hasnt even been released yet! when ford released the FG they had to wait the whole season in the old car because the release date was after some "made up" date that V8 SC decided on. as for the road car.MEH pretty bland but what does anyone really expect from a budget car maker.

fordcrzy, Feb 11, 2:21am
the car in the first posts was the calais luxury model and the V8SC is based on the base/hsv model with the Standard grill aperture

xpfairmont, Feb 11, 2:55am

steve56467, Feb 11, 6:09am
We had a S2 land rover with push button start, and if we went over bumps too fast the doors fell off

timmo1, Feb 11, 6:45pm
It makes sense if you don't need to put a key in the ignition (i.e. a proximity key)

floscey, Feb 11, 7:13pm
why did they mount an old bike seat on top of the dash!

divermark, Feb 12, 5:03am
Too bad if you dont like the stereo. so integrated you can never change it when i wears out in 10 yrs !

zak1998, Feb 12, 11:37am
been like that in most cars for years