Was driving down Auckland's northwestern motorway late yesterday afternoon, when a police car comes screaming up behind me. I was doing just under the 100kph limit in the second lane from the right, the correct lane to take the exit for the ports and Parnell. The cop obviously wanted to get past, so I checked my mirrors and there was a car in each of the lanes to the right and left of me doing the same speed and just 5 metres or so behind me, so nowhere to go. The police car by now was tailgating me so closely that the flashing headlights disappeared from my view in the mirror. Eventually the car in the lane to my left backed off, the cop car swerved into that lane and away. But to me it was extremely dangerous driving by the police. What if I had panicked and swerved into either of the other two lanes and collided with the car there! What if I had reacted by braking hard; he could not have avoided hitting me. And the motorway was not particularly busy, so why did he drive into a situation where he virtually boxed himself in and put other drivers in a dangerous situation. Stupidity!
Feb 9, 9:43pm
Well if you had looked in your mirror more often you might have seen it way behind you and pulled over to the left or else you could have speed up to give them more options.Maybe they were just finishing their shift and wanted to go home.
Feb 9, 9:50pm
You had plenty of time while he was approaching to moveahead of the car on your left and pull over to the left lane. As you said,you were doing under 100kph, so simply accalerate and pull over.
Feb 9, 10:09pm
so your one of those people who drive along in your own little world and when you see a police car right behind you, you think golly gee, where did that come from.
Then you pi$s about making it really hard for the cop to get past.
Then it's "Not your fault" because you are sucha careful and alert driver.
Suggest you use public transport and do us all a favour.
Feb 9, 10:11pm
Easy to blame the op but that's poor driving from 'lights and sirens' red-mist police.
Donut time has no barriers.
Feb 9, 10:19pm
Exactly, and that's just the motorway, what about the speeds some cops do in 50k zones
Feb 9, 10:22pm
"Easy to blame the op but that's poor driving from 'lights and sirens' red-mist police.
Donut time has no barriers."
"Exactly, and that's just the motorway, what about the speeds some cops do in 50k zones"
But if either of you two geniuses needed the cops yourselves, you'd want them there at the speed of light.
Feb 9, 10:26pm
Cops in South Auckland! nah, im sweet, lol.
Feb 9, 11:18pm
If you were doing under 100kph on the motorway I would assume that you were not overtaking!So why weren't you in the left hand lane!If more people heeded the "keep left" advice the motorways would flow so much better and you wouldn't be stuck with police riding your ar$e because there should be at least one clear lane for them.
Feb 9, 11:41pm
Very well put .problem is there's far too many of these type of brainless muppets on our roads who believe all the proganda that if they stick at 99 & wear there seatbelt they're a good driver
Feb 9, 11:47pm
I have seen some appalling driving from Police around here. My favorites are the one that decided on a miserably rainy night to park right in the middle of a 4 lane expressway at the end of the bollard.
On approach their lights it looked like someone was coming at you the wrong way down the expressway. the big emergency that warranted this! Radar patrol.
Came accross the same cop on my return journey, no lights and parked sticking out on to the lane.
Another time I was the only vehicle game to pass on a passing lane as their was a cop ahead. I settled in behind him at the end of the passing lane when all of a sudden he hit the anchors in the middle of the road. I was unsure which way to swerve as I couldn't see what he was stopping for. Luckily I was 4 seconds behind him, if it was two their would have been a dozen or so nose to tails behind me.
The big emergency that warranted this! Spotted a good hiding place for radar patrol at the last moment and decided to slam on the brakes, then turn before indicating.
Too many around with no brains who shouldn't be holding a position where they are allowed to speed, let alone drive at all. like that Cop the other day who was driving while disqualified.
Feb 10, 12:09am
as a whole i agree, but for motorway driving around Auckland driving in the right is required. Take the north western motorway, if you approach town from the left lane you will be forced to go to the shore. As on ramps and exits exist on the right for port and south from west Auckland.
So where this cop passed him, he would of being in the left lane of the two lanes that exit at port!
But for general driving yes keep left.
Feb 10, 12:48am
As stated in my original post, I was in the correct lane to exit to the port. And yes I was doing JUST under the 100kph limit, 98 to be exact. I would say that is reasonable , or would you suggest it is required to have the speedo needle glued to 100, not one or two kph over or under!
Feb 10, 12:51am
Feb 10, 12:54am
As stated, I was in the correct lane, the left of two, that exited to the port. If I had moved to the next lane to the left at that point, I would have been on the exit to the southern motorway link, with no time or space to get back to the exit I wanted. Anyway, the cop in moving left, then took the southern motorway link, so when he was behind me, he was in fact in the wrong lane for where he wanted to go.
Feb 10, 1:40am
Don't sweat it, for some on here the Police are always right even though they were not there to witness it. They have it so bad that they will even say the Police are right to deliberately delay a doctor for doing an extra 20km/h on the motorway while on his way to save a dying patient. (not kidding either, this happened)
Besides, if you looked in your mirror as often as the Police apologists would have you watching your speedo you would have little time left to watch where you are going. ( I actually did the math on this a while back and the results were quite scary)
Feb 10, 2:01am
i see them fang it around west auckland all the time wont even have the lights on alot of the time i find that kinda reckless
Feb 10, 2:09am
Never heard of a proganda. Is it the male counterpart of a progoose!
Feb 10, 3:32am
if you have to, speed up so as not hold them up, just as ur at an intersection on red lights with a cop car n lights on, they wont bust you just get out of their way, plus always looking in ur mirrors warns you
Feb 10, 3:43am
Don't worry, I'm sure the taxi will get there first lol
Feb 10, 3:47am
You said he had the flashing lights going, what about the siren!
I was driving from Greymouth to Wesport, no other traffic around, just me, the Holden and the road, always checking my mirrors, ok no-one there.
Check again, and a Highway Patrol car is there, roof lights are flashing, but no siren, i move left with what road i have and he's past me and gone.
Wish he had his siren on, i would've heard him and moved over sooner.
20 minutes up the road, around a corner, here's the same Highway Patrol car parked, lights flashing, a motorbike on it's side on the road and the police officer and other people are giving first aid to the rider of the bike.
Feb 10, 4:24am
Thinksirens are only on if something really serious has happened and the cops need to get there fast without interference from the driving public and sometimes are busy intersections where they know they will be held up easily. For little stuff,like your house getting robbed,just lights.
Feb 10, 11:14am
#23the road you were driving on is a little different to Aukland,one is more or less deserted,[and long may it be]the other is rat race, of dubious drivers,for many engrish is not there first language!The Highway robber,didnt need to use his siren,on the coast,he could sit on 180-200 quite comfortably,on his way to the 'accident'!
Feb 10, 12:39pm
LOL, mostly for your house getting robbed, often they don't come at all or if they do its days later. No need for lights.
Feb 10, 12:40pm
No siren as he approached, he did hit the siren briefly when he was right on top of me, siren off again when he was able to get into the lane he wanted. My gripe is about the tailgating, it achieved nothing except causing a dangerous situation. Certainly didn't gain him any time.
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