Rubbish in cars

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murray55, Feb 22, 3:21am
Can't believe the number of sellers advertising their vehicles with all sorts of rubbish floating around the interior ! Not just old rusty bangers, but also very pricey restorations. WHAT the hell is wrong withpeople, expecting in some cases many thousands of $$$ whilst too lazy to clean up a bit of rubbish !

trogedon, Feb 22, 3:24am
Yep, its a mystery. Different priorities and as you typed "too lazy".

ml6989, Feb 22, 3:28am
Yes murray55, you are so right! Worst I have had in a car that I had to work on was a used nappy and by the smell I suspect it was solid fill. Some people are just sloths. If the car is used as a wheelie bin then what is the house like!

franc123, Feb 22, 3:31am
Whats even funnier is that some of these slobs are attempting to get the same, greater or sometimes far greater money than what a dealers retail would be for a similar vehicle that was groomed and presented properly. And then wonder why after months of listing why they don't get any interest, let alone bids or buynow offers.

merrilegs, Feb 22, 11:50am
OMG I've never seen a car interior that bad before. That would be a rats haven. Eeeeeew.

trogedon, Feb 22, 12:13pm
My brother n law had a brain tumour. I picked up his car to bring home to sell. It was Summer and the car smelt terrible. I realised a meat pack (Vegan typing here) had got under the front passenger's seat (otherwise car tidy) some weeks before. I couldn't get rid of the smell but the buyer didn't seem to notice.

flack88, Feb 22, 12:31pm
Usually the driving, that goes with people, that keep there vehicle interior like that,is rubbish as well.What aboutsmokers that have the ashtray,overflowing with butts!isnt that nice!

kazbanz, Feb 22, 1:49pm
welcolm to my world.Won't you come on in .

therafter1, Feb 22, 2:31pm
Lol Kaz, that should be ???welcome to our??

paul861, Feb 22, 2:35pm
at least its contained in the car, not like the dirty f_____rs who chuck it on my roadfrontage

therafter1, Feb 22, 2:39pm
Forgot to add a little about the window up/down thing. You wind the window down to avoid oxygen deprivation as you attempt not to breathe the pollution in the vehicle, its hosing down with rain and when you go to park the vehicle outside you discover that the window winding mechanism is poked and has a wind down only function, or a poked switch or some other mongrel (no pun) problem associated with it. You already have jobs coming out of your ears and clowns constantly ringing (read wasting your time) asking if their vehicle is ready yet because they have an appointment when they haven??

murray55, Feb 22, 3:54pm
Exactly !To me anyway a rubbish tip interior means a rubbish owner where it comes to car care and maintenance. Literally thousands of cars for sale, so why they would think anyone with an ounce of common sense would choose their mobile rubbish tip is beyond me !

elect70, Feb 22, 5:11pm
Guy used to cartpig food(week oldresturauntscraps )in his S/wIf you rode inyouhad to have all windows open ,even when tried to sell it ,it still stunk & couldnt get any buyers, itwent toscrap man eventually .

meathead_timaru, Feb 22, 5:24pm
You mean slow moving vegetarians!

bjdw, Feb 22, 5:36pm
Sweet. Free DVD.

bjdw, Feb 22, 5:39pm
My car is full of rubbish, the oil is 25k over due the warrant and reg are two months out of date. meh. time for a new car.Anyone wanna buy mine.

trogedon, Feb 22, 5:43pm
Better a piece of carrot on a car seat than fermenting meat pie.

meathead_timaru, Feb 22, 5:50pm
I don't want to hear about how you put carrots on your car seat when driving.

therafter1, Feb 22, 6:00pm
You have obviously never inserted your fingers into a bag of rotten spuds whilst fossicking thru the contents of someone??

therafter1, Feb 22, 6:25pm
weak weak weak weak weak . one hundred times weak weak weak weak weak lol

flashgordon_nz, Feb 22, 6:54pm
Stevo, that didn't happen to be a ford laser from down TARANAKI way with frontal damage!

stevo2, Feb 22, 7:06pm
Yep, was when I was living in Waitara. Had slight frontal, not to bad though.
Owner was from Lepperton.

flashgordon_nz, Feb 22, 7:41pm
Yep, was sitting at Matthews panel beaters. Owner used to write cheques in crayon. Simple and harmless, but owned a farm from memory. Our mechanics used to hate working on it due to the mess.

stevo2, Feb 22, 10:51pm
Yeah, you got the right guy. Was at Waitara Panelbeaters when I saw it and rang the guy and made an offer.
He was telling me of all the places over the world he had been, he had some very thick and expensive books in the car when I 1st saw it but he took them out and just left the rubbish in it for me :( . A simple guy but quite clever at the same time.
Anyways, I bought it for $1k, spent another $1500 on it and after cleaning it out I sold it on for $3800 :)

nz2293, Feb 23, 12:28am
i bought a ford once it had alot of rubbish under the hood