Subaru engine converson 94 to 97

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fish1963, Mar 5, 11:41pm
hi,what are the pros and cons of using a 94gt engine in a 97gt subaru!
i think the 94 has vf13 vf14 turbo's and the 97 has vf18 vf19.
can i use the 97 ecu on the 94 motor if i change over the inlet manifold from the 97[yellow injectors],and the turbos,and orange air flow meter!
any thing else i would have to change!

esprit, Mar 6, 12:18am
If changing turbo you will need to budget for a lvvta cert.

fish1963, Mar 6, 1:00am
ok,can i use the small turbo's and use the 94 ecu!

pinga08, Mar 6, 1:46am
i think there is also one wire less on the motor loom in a 94 compared to a 97.

fish1963, Mar 6, 1:55am
so can anyone else see why this would't work!

jason18, Mar 6, 2:02am
Anything can work with money!

fish1963, Mar 6, 2:18am
i can do it for free.
i have all the parts i need.
i have all the tools also.
just wanting to know some info from someone that has done this thanks!

intrade, Mar 6, 2:34am
1you would need to bolt all the electronics on from the old engine on to the new with no mods.2 or change all the wiring that runs the newengine along with it also. or3. know exactly what is different and be able to mess abouts to make it work

jason18, Mar 6, 2:50am
Dont name call lt is totally uncalled for

shakespeare6, Mar 6, 2:57am
what for! Almost nill deference between them,
vf13/14 vf18/19 no real difference just manufacturing year

shakespeare6, Mar 6, 3:01am
Yep I ve changed all sorts around never gone back wards swap the vf18/19 on to that motor the vf13's were shockers for letting go
or find a pair of later VF 26/27turbos. Why do you want to go backwards!

fish1963, Mar 6, 3:35am
just to clarify,
have bought a 97 gt wagon as a progect.
it has ej20r on the plate.
i was told it has had a motor change.
it is smoking badly and has a lot of fuel vapour out exgaust.
have done compression test and 120psi in all pots.
turbo on passengers side is still winding down after key is turned off.
have never heard one do this before.
so changed turbo with a known good one and it still does the same.
so guess it's ok.
both turbos are vf13 and vf14,which i have been told are off a 94gt,
thats why i'm guessing it's an engine from a 94.
have yet to check fuel injection pressure,
as number three pot has excessive fuel
and plug is wet.
can someone tell me what are the correct size turbo's for a 97 ej20r!
engine has yellow injetors and orange airflow meter.
is there a number on block to show what year engine is!
car was going fine for previous owner,them started to blow smoke and use heaps of fuel.

shakespeare6, Mar 6, 3:51am
97 will have vf 18/19 as long as your running a matched pair doesnt matter
no block stamping s
lifter type is one way to tell
Turbos can be moved across the years, my 2000 b4 had a vf13 primary on it instead of vf26 when I got it .
shouldn't hear the turbo winding down -doubt you would find a good vf13 now the one you swapped in is probably shagged

shakespeare6, Mar 6, 12:40pm
Also pre 95 engine should have coils on plugs the 95-97 had wasted spark set up -the coil is in the middle of the manifold with ht leads running to plugs

motorboy2011, Mar 6, 1:00pm
I'd rather convert to single turbo

motorboy2011, Mar 6, 1:02pm
and it sounds like a leaking injector to me too

fish1963, Mar 6, 5:58pm
the engine in this car has coil packs.
so what year did they go away from the top mount coils!

johnf_456, Mar 6, 6:21pm
There is no need for comments like that purely aimed to have a dig.

frytime, Mar 6, 9:53pm
+1 or possibly stuffed afm

fish1963, Mar 7, 3:26am
what is the difference between these turbo's!
vf13 vf14,vf16 vf17,vf18 vf19!

fish1963, Mar 7, 11:40pm
ok have made some progress.
problem was with number three cylinder.
tried 3 or 4 different coil packs and plugs.
have changed left fuel injectors cos number 3 was stuck open.
still only running on 3 cylinders.
pulled injector plugs off and no differance with number 3.
so traced wires back about 6 inches from plug and you guessed it a broken wire.
pulled the black plastic wire covering back and someone has cut wire.
looks like been done with a craft knife.
looks like it's been done on purpose as no other wires are cut.
so i'm guessing that cut wire has stuck injector open.
fuel has filled cylinder and killed spark and what was'ntgoing out exhaust was draining into sump oil and pushing the oil level up which was pressurising sump and pushing oil past rings.
drained sump,added new oil,
and car runs like a new one.
i think car was sabataged before i bought it.

fish1963, Mar 8, 12:23am
still have one small problem.
a subaruexpert might know the answer!
the turbo on the passengers side was wirring when you rev car
and when you turn key off you could here it spinning down.
so changed turbo with the same known goody and it still wirrs!

fish1963, Mar 8, 12:28am
i know the young lad i bought car off told me he took car to a machanic and was told engine had a buggered piston or a cracked head.
someone cut that wire.
scary aye.

strobo, Mar 8, 2:31am
Been there before fixing another mechanicsfck up.Don't bother the hassel not worth it.With out reading the rest of aboveI know the ecu will be different and the the inlet manifold with swap overs for ignitors assome 2 pin some 3 pinjust a pain in the rectum, wiring etc.and more! forget doing it ,you'd be a fool for even trying! edited for beer errors (sigh) fix the head gasket issue and it will be good

NZTools, Mar 8, 2:44am
Dont worry about it. I owned a 94 gt that had a noisy primary turbo. It didnt get any worse for years. When it did finaly die, i just chucked another noisy turbo on it, and it is still going fine years later.