Lada 4x4 owners

free-h-oldies, Mar 2, 1:55pm
Are there any Lada clubs or fans out there!

hpaul, Mar 2, 2:03pm
I like the Niva - crude, bumpy, slow old bugger of a thing but likeable.

dunwoody, Mar 2, 2:27pm
I think all the Lada clubs are now ceased. I used tobelong to the Auckland club many years ago and still have my Cossack. Needs work on the clutch. Thinking of getting rid of it as it is just sitting in the shed doing nothing.

free-h-oldies, Mar 2, 2:28pm
I have a 93 Niva 4x4 in top condition, no rust, been in storage for several years 52,000 genuine ks, now going to put it back on the road

muzz67, Mar 3, 11:43am
timing chain issues killed most of them

dunwoody, Mar 3, 2:30pm
It takes three minutes to adjust the timing chain, but not many people botherd. Just slacken a lock nut turn the engine over halfe a turn and retighten the lock nut. all done

elect70, Mar 3, 2:51pm
I have several guysin our fishing club who are after acheap 4x4just fortakingtheir kontikis on the beach, no reg or wof(like my disco) required