Xf speedo?

simon081, Mar 1, 7:54pm
Drove my xf home the other day speedo temperture guage fuel gauge and electronic clock stopped going gave it a bit of a hit and it started working again but now not going mechanic said its probably a sensor on trans! But i wasnt too sure considering electronic clock doesnt go so i assumed it was a fuse ive looked at all fuses and checked connections but still wont go can anyone help please!!

ozz1, Mar 1, 8:05pm
broken circuit board. or dry solder joint on circuit borad. or loose plug or broken wires going into plug. get a good magnifying glass and look at circuit board. but you need to know wat you are looking for.if u google this complaint. eg. " xf falcon speedo problems"you will get a bit better diagnosis. as this is pretty common.cheers ianusually sorted with a soldering iron. some times.!

franc123, Mar 1, 9:17pm
Yes as above, those XF clusters suffered from crook soldered joints, the ones with the digital fuel/temp/oil/volt readouts were even worse. Bad grounds at the battery also made them unreliable. If having a melting session with a soldering iron doesn't work and you haven't got access to a known good replacement cluster you can bin it and replace it with an EA-ED one or even better one from an XG ute, they all fit with a bit of work and some wiring mods and at the same time you convert the fuel level sender to a more reliable float type.