Cylinder Head Reconditioners-Recommenda-tions CHCH

tiggerluvr, Feb 28, 4:45am
I'm in the process of doing a engine rebuild and I'm wanting to get my head reconditioned, so get valves grind, head plain the whole nine yards. so wanting some recommendations. its for a 4AG-E 20V, I've got a few quotes and wanting to get the most reasonable price if anyone could help would be awesome.

zooki007, Feb 28, 5:01am
Cylinder Head Specs

unbeatabull, Feb 28, 5:44am
CHS, HPE both good. I've had bad experiences with Kelford in the past so would stay away from them.

zephyrheaven, Feb 28, 6:38am
Glen Durie, magician - used a few around Chch & havent felt as comfortable as I do with Glen - he knows his trade inside & out.!gl=nz&hl=en

happylad3, Feb 28, 9:19am
When I was working as a reconditioner, we had a couple of high performance cylinder heads. We sent them to HPE. very happy with the service and quality. Pretty sure it's Gavin that you deal with there! Great machines too!