Ba xr6 alternator

a.woodrow, Feb 23, 10:55pm
Why can't you get your one fixed! usually cheaper than replacing

bigfatmat1, Feb 24, 12:04am
other way round on those things
new is cheap $289 genuine

unbeatabull, Feb 24, 1:10am
Pan Pacific amongst others also do aftermarket options for a little less still :)

unbeatabull, Feb 24, 1:36am
It's not an overly difficult job to do if you're mechanically minded.

bigfatmat1, Feb 25, 1:34am
My list is$280 rrp for a ba alt. genuine pays to shop around

crudeawakening, Feb 25, 2:17am
But you 'should' have to be or know a sparky to deal with them

unbeatabull, Feb 25, 2:25am
That is true. I keep forgetting about that when I recommend others to them! Oh perks of the trade I guess.

crudeawakening, Feb 25, 2:28am
The good thing about Pan Pacific is they dont back door decent tradies by selling to the public. Recommend joe to your local sparky and support your local community. Repco profits just go to some fat cat any way :)

strobo, Feb 25, 12:03pm
Pan Pacfic rarely deal with joe public .