Burning hair smell in a diesel on hills

bobinnz, Feb 24, 2:14am
I had a diesel ute that developed a smell of burning hair on any larger hills. It would then start to overheat badly. Now have a new(1 year old) ute that has done the same without the overheating on the long uphill between Napier and Taupo. Any ideas guys! Will check back tomorrow night. Thanx

bigfatmat1, Feb 24, 3:04am
You have run over someone and their hair is burning on the exhaust.

mark.woods, Feb 24, 3:09am
I can't speak for your original vehicle but if this is a one year old diesel then it will have a Diesel particulate filter in it. During times of high throttle position it will often take the opportunity to "burn off" the filter contents. This has a burning hair smell that goes with it. Clues to this is happening is towards the end of the cycle of when you re-accelerate during the process you will see a white smoke out the back. It shouldn't on average happen every time you go up the hill though just when the filter is more than 40% blocked.

skin1235, Feb 24, 3:36am
would that account for"start to overheat badly" mark!
assuming he is relaying gauge position, perhaps two issue unrelated

mark.woods, Feb 24, 3:42am
It shouldn't cause the engine to overheat as the heat created is all in the filter largely. There may be the smallest of temperature increases in the engine but it wouldn't be noticeable on the gauge.

andrewph, Feb 24, 4:10am
Probably the rad blocking up viscous hub not working loose drive belts. These would be common symptoms for overheating on long uphills and then cooling off to normal soon after.On some cars even a blocked heater core stopping circulation. Broken thermostat strap, still partially works

bobinnz, Feb 24, 10:38am
Thanx Mark. This sounds very plausible. Maybe original ute was just at the stage of going to overheat anyway. Hair burn on two hills and not on the third.