Lexus v8. Roughly how much to do the head gaskets on a lexus v8 1uzfe

kerr05, Feb 21, 1:06am
Roughly how much to do the head gaskets on a lexus v8. 1uzfe.

howz_that, Feb 21, 1:14am
Just wondering why the gaskets need to be done. Is the engine in the car!

the_chooky, Feb 21, 1:34am
O. no. dont tell us you've cooked a Lexus V8.!

crudeawakening, Feb 21, 11:21pm
is that even possible!

pnh4, Feb 22, 4:16am
About $ 200a full head set for 1uz, I just bought one.

johnf_456, Feb 22, 4:26am
How long is a piece of string

theram1, Feb 22, 4:31am
depends on the drop to weight ratio.

pnh4, Feb 22, 2:09pm
"grams" matter if youre going there,

wrong2, Feb 22, 2:28pm
hes asking a specific question

way to put your foot in it AGAIN john

cypherboy, Feb 22, 3:01pm
Im going to assume you know nothing about cars and will be paying someone to do the job.
The gaskets themselves will be the cheapest parts. Labour to pull both heads off, send heads away to get crack tested and skimmed if needed. Labour to investigate why engine overheated. Possibly a new/recon radiator, thermostat, waterpump. You might as well do the cambelt and tensioners while you are there. Labour to put heads back and and reassembly.
A Guess on price would be $2-2.5K or more

johnf_456, Feb 22, 3:19pm
firstly dont name call and it is hard to know a price over the boards, the head may be warped and cracked. Hence the string like response has the cost varys on many variables. I see you have helped by providing a figure.

therafter1, Feb 22, 5:42pm
Then why didn??

saffa2, Feb 22, 5:44pm