my main problem is the whole gravel road situation i live on one and its not doing my commy any good. And after watching that Africa special ep of top gear the other night it done rather well lol
Mar 27, 5:31pm
Pros - grip, wagon versatility Cons - the sound, the looks, the image, the breakdowns, the fuel consumption
Mar 27, 5:33pm
and - in the Africa special, it was the subaru that broke, not the BMW or volvo. not that Top Gear is anyhting other than infotainment.
Mar 27, 5:33pm
would it drink more fuel than the commodore!
Mar 27, 5:34pm
it broke but rust yeah it done well in the mud lol. And it didn't have the bmw electrical problems lol
Mar 27, 5:35pm
i would think that parts for subarus would be easily found and cheap. No! plenty around
Mar 27, 9:04pm
We lived on a gravel road also for 3 years and I had a suby for that time, costs less than my VX 2001 V6 in fuel, has more instant speed at hand for over taking, fantastic in the wet being awd and safe on the gravel, not as good as comy for towing, tyres were a little more expensive being low profile weared out quite quick but I was doing prob 4-500 km's a week, only ever paid for usual service costs for suby, cambelt and wheel bearing all that needed doing in 3 years (done oil etc at home though) where as comy has just had $2k spent on it since purchasing it in Dec, oxy sensors, transmission, now fuel pump still waiting for that bill lol, I know which I would go with given the chance to turn back the clock lol
Mar 27, 11:10pm
The worst thing about that vehicle! The cost to insure it. Especially if you are a young(er) driver.
Mar 27, 11:25pm
Keep the commodore. The subaru will cost more to run when you take maintenance into consideration. The post above would be an exception rather than the norm. The subaru would be better than the commodore in a rally but you don't drive like that day to day.
Mar 27, 11:27pm
Im 20 so it wouldnt be cheap my commy was hard to get insurace for it but got it and its not too expensive
Mar 27, 11:35pm
That surf dam ugly never seen that shape looks like a big rav 4 and the outback looks to much like a family nana soccer mum vehicle lol
Mar 27, 11:39pm
You might find that once your insurance company hear three words "Subaru", "turbo" and 20years" they will see $$$$$ signs. I would recommend a quote BEFORE you purchase.
Mar 28, 12:04am
lol yeah i might just keep the commy is done well so far only had to buy new tires and service it
Apr 1, 3:32am
Don't believe all the bs about subaru. I have had a comy, just sold a wrx after 6 years,now have a Nissan v6. If you drive the Subaru normally it's as economic as any other 2l car you would possibly consider, such as Silvia, caldina, altezza etc. if you want to drive fast, they still give good economy for the performance, better than the comy for sure, still better than my Nissan v6 being driven economically even. Also, if you take any car, do skids, 'hellies' 'launches' etc, it's not going to be reliable, particularly a 2l awd. Moreso, if you want to swap out the clutch to be heavy duty, the clutch is designed to be the weak link in the otherwise very grippy system, stuff up a change or takeoff with a strong clutch means your gearbox, diff, cv joints or motor become the weakest therefore sacrificial link (dam hard to make the tyres let go).There are many subaru drivers who do yhe things i have mentioned, and they are no doubt the source of subaru's bad rep, however, if you want to drive it the way it was intended, you will find a wrx to be a pleasure to drive, as well as reliable and well worth the extra fuel over nana's corolla.
Apr 1, 3:57am
I'm not at all a Subaru fan and wouldn't buy one, I spend a lot of time overseas where I notice Subaru and Subaru drivers don't have the same terrible image they do in NZ, I put it down to the cheap used Japanese imports, made available to the younger driver who gets himself up to his eyeballs in debt for it, makes a dick of himself in it, it fails and further more results in a piece of sh!t car which he then lists on Trademe as a minter for some other young unsuspecting dude that just wants a cheap go fast Subaru.
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