Are Nissan wingroad's any good?

witch_bitch, Mar 30, 11:34pm
Hi looking to buy a vehicle and have been looking at the wingroads, it will basically be used as a runabout/shopping trolley, what are these vehicles like mechanically, are they reasonably easy to get parts for etc.Thanks for any helpful comments made.

mugenb20b, Mar 31, 12:52am
Good cars, parts aren't a problem, lots of road noise though.

joanie04, Mar 31, 1:21am
How much road noise mugenb20b as I have been looking at one as well.

witch_bitch, Mar 31, 1:50am
thanks mugenb20b

neville48, Mar 31, 1:52am
Nissan Experts are good too they are just a bit lower spec than the wingroad, sort of a commercial use model with a ton of room in the back when they are folded down.

mugenb20b, Mar 31, 1:31pm
No worse than other small Jap cars, it's just something to be aware of.

joanie04, Mar 31, 11:06pm
Thanks I currently have an ancient ford laser but previous had a holden astra that was quite noisy.I need to upgrade to something reliable that is a wagon and a manual for the teenager to learn in as the laser is an auto.

jason18, Apr 1, 3:27pm
What year wingroad!

witch_bitch, Apr 1, 6:17pm
1998 or a 2000 Jason18