Poor people disadvantaged on the road

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billyfieldman, Oct 11, 4:47am
This is an American study. However I think it may be similar in NZ too.


deus701, Oct 11, 5:08am
i am poor but disadvantaged by other people poor driving skills.

tintop, Oct 11, 5:35am
Not really - remember that 80% of drivers have above average driving skills.

tintop, Oct 11, 5:39am
True - but there is a slow but steady trickle down. I have a car that is 17 years old. It has ESC, ABS, 6 front seat airbags. So the poor people are getting there.

intrade, Oct 11, 5:54am
i drive a 95 corolla the only danger i face is some moron with a new car with abs lane assist ebs esd and 100 tousend other savety features like stability controll driving far to fast round a corner and his electronic crap cant stabilize the car as he is used to have it done by the car . smacking straight in to me , this is the only thing i am worried about.

intrade, Oct 11, 5:56am
Spot on i fully agree.

intrade, Oct 11, 6:06am
There is a story i seen on a tv docu cant remember fully all details where i seen it but the guy had a suv car . He did bring it to the garage noumerous times telling them the car behaved dangerously.
Anyhow he was dead car rolled and he was killed.
The inspections showed nothing wrong with the car.
People reported seeing him speeding like a maniac, probably did not notice that he was doing 120 in 70kph corners and the dangerous car was having stability controll saving his live till one day it could not.
I was thinking phooo! good thing he went to heaven that guy should not even have a license that was what i was thinking when i seen that docu.
And there is plenty more morons like him the police tell you with tv adds all you need is stabilty control and 100 airbags and you will be save . unless you drive 1kph over the speed limmit that kills you also . this is why we have so much fkn morons because of tv adds and bullcrap that is so far from reality.

aredwood, Oct 11, 6:34am
But we have the stupid situation of company owners giving their workers new. But deathtrap vehicles. Which OSH think is perfectly fine. But if you walk onto a construction site with one of those little 3 step ladders. You will almost get thrown in jail.

The authorities are basicly saying - We don't care if you loose your legs in a car accident. And we won't take your boss to court for that. But if he lets you use one of those ladders. That is far worse as you may fall 1m.

franc123, Oct 11, 6:52am
Mercedes Benz discovered years ago from their own research that the adding of such features like Brake Assist, ABS, EBD and ESC gave customers a sense of confidence and safety that inevitably led to more irresponsible driving and limit pushing when common sense and experience would tell you that more restrained driving was more appropriate. driving to conditions in simple terms. It starts getting counter productive when people think that technology can save them from their own stupidity, They forget that four tyres no matter how good they are can only have a certain level of adhesion, if that goes then these other devices simply cant work properly.

franc123, Oct 11, 7:00am
Yes its a joke that a tradie has to comply with all of these regs on a job site yet can get into his new death-trap van made virtually unchanged by a certain Jap company since about 1986 and suddenly his or her safety is no longer an issue. Thankfully this new ESC law will finally get rid of them off the market soon.

bjmh, Oct 11, 2:47pm
I had the same discussion with a purchasing officer for an electrical firm that I service vehicles for.They have a vigorous worksafe scheme,identifying hazards etc ,then they send them off to various sites in late model L300'S . these guys even have to wear long sleeve shirts for sun protection . while they drive their lovely unsafe box.

patiki1, Oct 11, 3:07pm
Just got to watch out for the other 20%

mggd, Oct 11, 3:12pm
So we should import a few hundred thousand brand new Morris oxfords from India and that's what everyone has to own?

tony9, Oct 11, 3:16pm
Well it would improve the availability of organs for donation.

clatty, Oct 11, 3:47pm
I know a few guys always moaning about the slow driver in the outside lane and run through the orange or red light They are so cool. But at home never do anything. untidy lawns ,repairs to do,leave it all to someone else , the wife.

tintop, Oct 11, 3:48pm
Well - seeing that the 80% figure was arrived at by drivers making their own assessment of their own skills - possibly the 20 % are actually better ?

tamarillo, Oct 11, 3:49pm
My $4000 Volvo has safety bags galore, crumple zones, and other safety stuff.
If people buy cars with 2 safety bags they're morons.

gazzat22, Oct 11, 4:22pm
Well you do know what Volvo drivers are called in England?By the way,whats a" Safety Bag".?Your "moron" comment puts you in that category.

tintop, Oct 11, 4:27pm
Oi ! 'Ambassadors' thank you!

And include a few Royal Enfield Bullets ?

tintop, Oct 11, 4:31pm
Yep - it happens, local authority bought a fleet of high spec cars for the 'executives', justified on the grounds of safety.
They were in general use - for driving to and from work.

The rest of the fleet for the field staff consisted of the cheapest available - regardless of the ANCAP ratings.

sw20, Oct 11, 4:35pm
What constitutes above average? Being able to put the car in D and driving down the street or handling an emergency at the open road speed limit?

pestri, Oct 11, 4:40pm
There are few unsafe vehicles on the road. the problem is now as always, unsafe drivers.

tintop, Oct 11, 4:43pm
It was a self assessment study.
Something to keep in mind.

petal_91, Oct 11, 4:47pm
WINZ could sponsor disadvantaged clients into safe TDI Golfs. They'd be cheap enough nowadays you could do that.

socram, Oct 11, 4:52pm
It's not often I disagree with you Tamarillo, but are you saying no one should buy a pre air bag classic car and therefore if they do, they are morons? If so, put me in the moron category.