Do people actually know how to drive? Keep left.

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butterfly05, Sep 13, 12:07am
Of course it can be enforced. I can gaurantee you a police car coming through the right lane with a big keep left blazer on it 24/7 for a month would get the message across right quick. Go on youtube and watch any powerful car going down the inside lane on any of the german or european motorways people are actually onto it over there and they always move over.

End of the day its an education thing as well as enforcement.

I disagree with your statement about people staying in the right lane does little to hinder anyone. You can constantly see people swapping to the left lane to undertake people in the right. Go stand by any double lane road in NZ and you'll see that.

And I may stand corrected as its been a bloody long time since I read a road code but passing on the left IS illegal!

loose.unit8, Sep 13, 12:17am
You're wrong.

I disagree that changing lanes is any hindrance to anyone. Of course it happens because it's totally legally allowed to happen.
"You can only pass on the left when:

there are two or more lanes on your side of the centre line and you are able to pass safely by using the left-hand lane.
. " -

peja, Sep 13, 12:31am
This bit I KNOW is correct - because as I posted earlier, when everyone DOES keep left except when overtaking the traffic flows far better. I have had the privilege of experiencing this phenomenon in Auckland rush hour traffic on the motorway twice now, and it really is quite surreal, almost spooky. All the usual traffic, as much as usual, but going much faster and smoother than usual. I have now got a car cam so I can record it if it ever happens again.

clatty, Sep 13, 12:33am
Your road code message will be causing a few red faces.This backs my argument that the Keep Left Unless Passing sign is a complete nonsense. A driver can overtake using the inside lane to pass a driver doing the maximum speed in the outside lane if he is stupid enough to break the law.

tintop, Sep 13, 1:18am
Passing on left - is ok:

On a road that is marked with one or more lanes.
On a single lane road - where a driver has clearly indicated that he/she will be turning right and there is sufficient room to the left of that vehicle.
Where a driver is stopped waiting for an opportunity to make a right turn and is indicating that intention.
At an intersection where two lanes on one side are merging into one lane on the opposite side.

ignition328, Sep 13, 2:01am
Hard to get my numberplate if I pull a nice high wheelstand on the way by.

This is a massively socially connected world these days, threats of "I'll report you" don't put you in a position of power when dashcams can plaster your own behavior all over the net very readily. But if you're 100% sure of your actions then shoot.

sr2, Sep 13, 2:03am
well said.

marmar1, Sep 13, 2:16am
The amount of times I have passed outside because people are hogging the inside and holding up the flow of traffic is more than I can count!

sr2, Sep 13, 2:18am
LOL! :)

butterfly05, Sep 13, 3:06am
Im not wrong its only legal to pass on the left under certain (usually unusual) circumstances just as I suspected.

Under any normal circumstance passing on the left is illegal as it should be.

Fact is if people in this country had more common sense and the authorities actually enforced the keep left rules like other countries do it would be far a far less aggravating country to drive in.

butterfly05, Sep 13, 3:14am
Am I meant to be surprised by this or something?

And BTW the first one is wrong.

Passing on the left

You can only pass on the left when:

there are two or more lanes on your side of the centre line and you are able to pass safely by using the left-hand lane
you are directed to by a police officer
the vehicle you are passing:
has stopped, or
is signalling a right turn, or
is turning right.
At all other times, when you are passing, you must pass on the right.

So I basically break the law every single day I get in my car as I simply do not have time (or patience) to sit behind some ass hat that is doing less that the speedlimit in the right hand lane. and usually even people that are doing the speedlimit for that matter.

sr2, Sep 13, 3:19am
Why would you describe a motorway as being an 'unusual circumstance" ?

butterfly05, Sep 13, 3:24am
Where did I say motorway? I live in Rotorua mostly 60km/h duals around these parts.

And going off the road code under any normal circumstance (for passing) there simply arent that many two or three lane plus motorways in NZ other than the ones in Auckland and so on.

So other than the other unusual circumstances its illegal. Whats so difficult to understand about that? I dont get it.

tintop, Sep 13, 3:26am
hehe, typo. two or more lanes.

sr2, Sep 13, 3:36am
Oops, the question that springs to mind has to be if you live in Rotorua why the obsessive fixation with keeping left on Auckland's motorways?

butterfly05, Sep 13, 3:40am
Because whenever I find it necessary to travel to that complete and utter crap hole that you call Auckland I cant help but notice how crap peoples driving ettiquette is.

The funny thing is the last time I was up there I saw a dude in a crap looking commodore do exactly what we've just been taking about (pass on the left) and pull the fingers and generally be pretty belligerent to a "motorist" in the right lane that was indeed marginally under the speedlimit.

Hows that for a fixation?

sr2, Sep 13, 3:51am
Ah, I thought so.

I'd best avoid visiting Auckland in the future at any cost. There's far too many jobs up here, we all make far too much money, our houses are all over inflated, and worst of all the fishing in the Hauraki Gulf is awesome!

butterfly05, Sep 13, 3:55am
Thats all fine if you dont like low (relatively) rates, short commutes to work, low house prices (for now), next to no jaffas, no traffic jams and open roads to do what you like on and so on and so forth.

Another funny thing is I dont think you lot realise how much the rest of the country laughs their asses off about you lot up there in paradise "living the dream".

sr2, Sep 13, 3:58am
Oops, struck a nerve?

ema1, Sep 13, 4:19am
Rather similar to my post #43 but in reverse? As shown in post #51.
Auckland for Aucklander,s baaaaah they can have it.
They don't think like the rest of us especially road manners and not able to control impatience or road manners on our roads.
Some of the posts being bandied back and forth makes me wonder if it is indeed safe to be on the roads at all with such diverse opinions and utter nonsense and blatant law breaking that seems to be going on and by the many that are blissfully unaware of doing so, or is it that some on here don't give a damn?
I prefer to fly anywhere involving bigger distances than face the utter divergent views of drivers being touted on here.
Man some of the posts on here further convince me that there are far too many drivers have their brains flying at "half mast" or are indeed are complete and utter numb skulls?

tintop, Sep 13, 4:23am
And the air does not smell of farts.

butterfly05, Sep 13, 4:25am
So you like diesel and petrol fumes mixed together? Explains alot.

extrayda, Sep 13, 4:29am
cough cough. sometime it does ;-)

extrayda, Sep 13, 4:32am
TBH I've never really understood the (apparent?) widespread hatred of Aucklanders. If you don't want to live there, cool, no problems, but why bother with the bagging. I have to live here (kids etc.) - would rather be most other places. Mainly just due to the traffic.

sr2, Sep 13, 4:35am
LOL; don't read too much into my last few posts, I'm just winding Madam Butterfly up for a little Saturday night entertainment. ;)