Do people actually know how to drive? Keep left.

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butterfly05, Sep 13, 4:36am
One reason would be you either cant take or joke or cant see when somone is pulling one. mostly.

sr2, Sep 13, 4:40am

extrayda, Sep 13, 4:42am
Yep, a joke the first few times, but it just goes on and on and on.
Gets a bit boring (and I don't even like Auckland).
Obviously you posted before reading #175 :-)

extrayda, Sep 13, 4:43am
belated snap

sr2, Sep 13, 4:48am
As a proud Jaffa I've always thought taking the piss out of the provinces (and vise-versa) is not only fair game it is a bloody good sport.

tintop, Sep 13, 4:53am
The beaches, the girls, the sparking Waitemata and Hauraki Gulf.

Been for a swim in Lake Rottenrua lately ?

But I will admit that going for a fly over Mt Tawarewa in a Boeing Stearman is fun :)

clatty, Sep 13, 5:11am
You smart guys should get drunk weave all over the lanes get caught putting an end to it!

sr2, Sep 13, 5:13am
I'll do my best.

quickbuck, Sep 13, 6:02pm
This is exactly the issue people who don't know how to keep left causes.

Okay, mixed with somebody who is used to exiting the pits at a V8 Supercar event, it looks dodgy. But you get the idea. Yes, it is from NZ.

loose.unit8, Sep 13, 6:39pm
Actually that was caused by someone who didn't check the lane they were moving into was clear. That happens in either lane.

loose.unit8, Sep 13, 6:43pm
Say what you want, yes you are wrong.

The specific thing we are talking about in this thread is multi-lane roads (of which are common, even in Christchurch) and passing on the left is totally normal, ok and legal on those roads.

quickbuck, Sep 13, 6:47pm
Um, you sort of missed the point. I am not really talking about the close call with shifting lanes. I am talking about the fact that the 4 cars in front were total sheep and drove along the right lane when the left one was empty.

Agree the 323 was a little bit aggressive, but this happens when frustration sets in. and s/he could see a nice free lane to travel in.

IMHO the car with the camera on board, although doing nothing illegal would have been better to let him in as the indicator came on and be done with it, rather than make a big fuss and upload the video to the internet. Would have only taken removing their foot from the gas for about 2 seconds and they would have lost about 4 metres in their journey.

Social driving. AND

Keep Left.

loose.unit8, Sep 13, 6:59pm
I think it's a Lancer.

But why would anyone in that situation be stupid enough to get frustrated when there is a nice clear, legal, left lane to pass in? It's retarded.

quickbuck, Sep 13, 7:03pm
I stand corrected. I did fail the Tail Light quiz. I stopped looking at them in 2002.

Legal? ONLY if all those cars were turning right up ahead. Somehow I doubt they were. Or all 5 of them failed to indicate that they were.

quickbuck, Sep 13, 7:08pm
This whole thread is a stark reminder of why I no longer ride on the road.


marmar1, Sep 13, 7:25pm
Well put,also the guy with the camera was probably stopping him for awhile from changing lanes and why he had to almost force is way in.

gunhand, Sep 13, 7:49pm
So what really happened is you got a good look at how others see you on the roads then? Funny that most like don't realize that there not perfect and the best driver out there or above the law. While ya abusing others for doing what upsets you, you yourself are behaving in the same manner.

loose.unit8, Sep 13, 8:02pm
Sigh, as posted and repeated several times on this page.

"You can only pass on the left when:

- there are two or more lanes on your side of the centre line and you are able to pass safely by using the left-hand lane.
. "

tintop, Sep 13, 9:31pm
The ones in the right lane will be turning right at the next intersection.
The prat who cut into the left lane will be cutting back into the right lane just prior to the intersection to do the same thing.

quickbuck, Sep 13, 9:44pm
Okay. Yet another habit that makes using the road a dangerous exercise in this country.

bill-robinson, Sep 13, 11:03pm
i would leave earlier to drive to where ever. you would not run out of time.

butterfly05, Sep 14, 12:00am
Usually when im not commuting to work drive my car for the enjoyment of it. All im getting at is there are certain suspects that do ruin my enjoyment of driving as discussed above. And they are entitled to do that just as im entitled to do what I like until I get caught. I just honestly believe if traffic enforcement focused more broadly on issues other than speeding (like people hogging the right lane for no reason) the roads would be a far better place to be than they are now.

Are we both breaking the law yep probably but thats life and I couldnt care less about the PC brigade on here trying to put a dampner on that.

butterfly05, Sep 14, 12:07am
So basically even though you posted a link to the specific rules surrounding what we are discussing you obviously didnt even bother to read it. What you are going on about I dont even call passing. What im talking about is people changing lanes purposely to pass another car. Thats a totally different thing to people in left lanes just going with the flow of traffic or even if they arent. And I have seen people ticketed for it on police 10/7.

loose.unit8, Jun 29, 1:20pm
I supplied a link which supports me, as does the law, in saying that passing on the left on a multi-line road is totally legal. Point out where I am wrong