A privately owned car only does the trip the owner wants .whereas a taxi or self driving car will make two - one to get to you and one to take you where you want to go . To get rid of congestion you need to get us all on public transport. ie bus , train etc etc .
Sep 21, 4:09pm
Remember that wherever you drive your car, you still have to drive it home, so still doing two trips. I'm only guessing but as it would be a computerised system it would be able to select the car nearest to you for pickup, and once you were dropped off it would be directed to the next closest pick up. It could drop someone off at an airport and then pick someone else up from the airport as a return trip. They are trialing the system in Singapore at the moment, and I heard that Uber are working on something somewhere in the US.
Sep 21, 4:12pm
Buses and trains make sense for travel between cities, but lack the flexibility for travel within a city.
Sep 21, 4:29pm
But if the cars are continually roaming or charging themselves just dispatch the nearest one. Nissan have this vision of future mobility that mirrors that concept: https://youtu.be/zLs7YOjC2mE
Sep 22, 2:04pm
Yep but I can't afford 130,000 US bucks plus freight for a Tesla.
Sep 22, 3:09pm
At Apollo #179. When I go to work in my car and home it is two trips and twice congesting up the roads . To use a taxi or self drive car means the car comes to me (1 trip) then takes me to work (2) then either parks up or roms (3 ?) then comes to get me to go home (4) then takes me home (5) and then either parks up or roams (6). which equals 4 or 6 trips and congesting the roads in my book. A diverse bus/train system makes sense in citys. look at tube lines of London .
Sep 22, 3:19pm
To Harmless at #176. Sometimes you will need to use the fast chargers that won't be in private homes and not everyone can wait for 4-6 hours to charge it .I believe the rapid charge posts cost around $50k at present so one day the installers of these will need to recoup costs and the user will be the one that pays . I would rather know what the government expects EV owners to expect with charges ie RUC etc now than get unpleasant surprise latter .
Oops sorry buyit, missed your question. No I'd gather that there would be many hundreds of cars in a constantly utilised network. The closest available car to you would pick you up and drop you off at work, and then it would be allocated another job. In quiet periods it would possibly get told to go to the nearest charging bay and wait. So look at it this way- car is in your neighbourhood- gets directed to pick you up- drops you off at work- picks someone up near your work- takes them to the airport- picks someone up from there etc etc. It's probably decades off for NZ, but for places like Singapore they will be diving in head first.
Sep 24, 4:28pm
id love to build an autocross car from an electric . use prius batteries or similar for power or buy a written off nissan leaf or something and transfer it into something cool like an aw11 MR2
These batteries would do the job- not bloody cheap tho. I've seen a couple of repowered RX8's, MR2's are popular as well as things like Miatas.
Sep 26, 7:46pm
It's going to be the future, the idea of going to a "Petrol Station" or a "Servo" as the Aussies call it to fuel up will change from a liquid to power.
Hate to say it, but that Telsa car is a 4 Paw 2 motor "Lighting Bolt" which can smoke just about every fossil-fueled vehicle out there.
Maybe in 50 years, only electric racecars will be at the racetracks all over the world - F1 - WRC - NASCAR - EV Supercars.
It's only a matter of Time.
Sep 27, 2:11am
how many tesla's have you bought? what do you drive now?
Sep 27, 3:20am
How many horse carts have you bought Bill?
Sep 27, 3:39am
Our 7kW charge unit cost $1,300 plus installation and is capable of charging a 24kWh battery in less than 3 hours, or the stock Nissan supplied transformer pack takes a little longer and only requires a 15 amp wall socket. Either way very easy to fit into your daily schedule.
The EV charging availability situation is very much a chicken and egg one at present but many forward thinking businesses and workplaces are already installing facilities to attract customers or for their employees' use.
The RUC thing is pretty much irrelevant considering the very cheap running cost of EVs. If you are untrusting of government taxation of your vehicle costs you should be far more concerned about the pricing of hydrocarbon fuels which you already pay more tax on than the total cost of 'fueling' an EV.
Sep 27, 4:20am
3 i own 2 cars, 1 I built, the other is just a car. please list your cars
Sep 27, 4:25am
Time to sell those ponies Bill. This newfangled elecktrickery stuff- nothing to be 'fraid of!
Sep 27, 4:30am
I'm into my motorcycles. This is the way motorcycles look like they are going:
Two wheels or four, electric vehicles tend to have that 'Tourettes' effect on riders/drivers https://youtu.be/DDKuE-3WOJk
Sep 27, 5:46am
electricity kills people, with horse manure, you can feed people, small but significant difference I think
Sep 27, 6:43am
Lol, I can't say I've eaten the stuff myself but good on you for getting stuck in. Any medium that stores energy has the potential to be dangerous, whether it's gasoline, the battery or nuclear fuel rods it has to be properly contained.
Sep 27, 6:50am
Funny link. The thing that I'm not keen on is all the computerised wizardry and screens they are chucking into these things, I'd rather they kept it all simple. Less stuff to go wrong.
I can't even manage to charge my cell. Let alone a car
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