Have I got a motorcycle? Yes. Have I got an electric motorcycle? No. Could I buy an electric motorcycle? Yes. Would I buy an electric motorcycle? No. Why? Because I like my old V twins :o).
Sep 27, 2:29pm
par for the course
Sep 27, 2:44pm
I'm not sure why you are so negative about EV's bill? The technology is there and it's going to take over eventually. Increasingly tougher emissions laws are forcing the world's car manufacturers into developing them. The battery technology will get better as more research is ploughed into it. I don't care one way or another, but it looks like that's the way it's going. I only like the idea of EV's if they keep them simple and low maintenance, not stuff them full of computers and software updates as they seem to be trying to do.
Sep 27, 3:05pm
purely because none of the disadvantages are spoken about along with the praise. all hype is not good
Sep 27, 3:15pm
Fair enough.But they are getting better really quick. See this link:
There will always be a place for fossil fueled vehicles, especially in areas where charging station availability is an issue, but sooner or later EV's will take over.
Sep 27, 4:35pm
The U.N are pushing a-concept termed 'sustainable development' (Brundtland Commission), also an concept & proposal termed '17 sustainable development goals', in-which these concepts propose to reduce our consumption of fossil-fuel. The UN propose to do this by quote: "Rationalising inefficient fossil-fuel subsidies that encourage wasteful consumption by removing market distortions, in accordance with national circumstances, including by restructuring taxation and phasing out those harmful subsidies, where they exist, to reflect their environmental impacts, taking fully into account the specific needs and conditions of developing countries and minimizing the possible adverse impacts on their development in a manner that protects the poor and the affected communities" end quote. For clarity, 'fossil-fuel subsidies' means, Production subsidies (tax credits, rebates. . ) & Consumption subsidies (subsidy at the pump to enable low-cost fuel for consumers).
The UN, use terms to describe the electric-vehicle phase with terms such as 'urban mobility', 'shared mobility', 'transportation action plan', 'urban electric mobility initiative', and so on. According to the UN, along with it's interest groups/associations/global forums/G#/G20/CFR/ International Energy Agency /Electric Vehicles Initiative/Clean Energy Ministerial/AES Assn of Equpment Manufacturers/Climate Summit(s)/Deep Decarbonisation. and many more. the UN proposed figure of between 20 to 30% electric vehicles by 2030? in some countries, perhaps? perhaps not? who knows?
Sep 27, 5:12pm
The UN also have the goal of reducing the world population to a sustainable half billion. Bunch of arsehats.
Sep 28, 5:18am
Was in Canada a few weeks ago and my ex has an 2003 Toyota-ummmm, cant remember, looks like a smaller Prado that was hybrid. She does Toronto only city driving and was gasing up weekly , now monthly. Saved her heaps and gas cost half there. Mind you, half our gas is gov tax.
Sep 28, 6:17am
To me, it'd be just a car. That's all I need these days and if the daily running costs were even cheaper that my 1.2L Swift, my super would last longer. Yep, I'd have one.
Sep 28, 7:06am
Interesting too to see the push for self driving cars. This would be a huge boon to people who can't drive, either due to disability or age but it would take me a long time to get comfortable with the concept.
Sep 28, 7:17am
So how about if your EV charged while you drive by induction? Induction pads are already a thing in parking facilities so how about incorporating them into roadways? http://solarroadways.com/Blog/Blog Solar Roadways, which are road surfaces paved with heavy duty glass PV and have some very clever sensors and LED display features built into them are presently being trialled on Route 66 in the US http://www.newsweek.com/route-66-solar-roadways-panel-highway-477984
Sep 28, 7:37am
all fitted and maintained by the govt who cannot get a road repaired properly. wonderfull. driving on glass, good luck. how will the 50 ton trucks get on?
Sep 28, 9:16am
The whole solar roadway thing is a dead duck. There is no need for it either when we have enormous areas of roofing that could be used to mount solar panels.
Sep 28, 10:34am
do they have night versions yet? for the other 12 hours
Sep 28, 11:10am
Come on bill, you aren't that slow. They will plug the motorways into the mains.
Sep 28, 2:25pm
They've got these new fangled electricity storage things called batteries.
that is great. when tesla build and run a car at le mans 24 hrs under the existing regulations ( no special facilities) and in finishes on the podium in class i might wake up
So you still think glass is a good medium to build roads from? Solar 'freaking' roadway has been in the concept stage for ten years, soaking up grants and doing very little. The whole idea is a gimmick that has to overcome a whole lot of reality to succeed.
Oct 9, 11:18am
Just a huge electric bill.
Oct 9, 12:00pm
Yep. Very few do the math, so don't get it.
A litre of fuel equals 4 to 6 KWh. I think 4, others, up to 6.
That means to buy the energy of a litre of fuel it will cost $1.20 to $1.80. And then there are the RUCs which at the moment are more than 60 cents per litre for petrol. So you are competing with diesel at about $1 per litre or petrol at about $1.30 a litre.
But, the battery has about 100% efficiency and a finite lifetime. Unlike a fuel tank which is about 99% efficiency and last the life of the car.
Meanwhile an IC driven car (petrol or diesel) could near double its fuel efficiency with the technology being pumped in EV development.
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