1984 daihatsu delta diesel 2.8lt

tool.man, Mar 22, 1:43pm
camper van. needs a simple repower for more umph.top speed at the moment is 80k,s hit a hill and its all over .any genuine idears about $5000 to spend

intrade, Mar 22, 2:02pm
1994 models do the same pritty normal for old diesel especially japanese to only crawl at 30 40kph up hills .

tool.man, Mar 22, 2:04pm
arr ok i was getting worried there for a while

tool.man, Mar 22, 2:06pm
so any thoughts on a simple but more powerfull replacement enginge .actually i thought maybe the gearing was all wrong but?

harrym7, Mar 22, 3:14pm
Turbo will give you what you are looking for. Provided your current motor is in good condition it is a safe and easy way of getting more power. Somewhere like http://www.dieselturbo.co.nz/ should be able to help with an aftermarket turbo setup.

These motors also came out in the Daihatsu Rocky/Rugger both in non-turbo and in factory turbo configurations so could be a cheaper way to do it if you can find a cheap motor. I have the manifolds and a turbo but the turbo is stuffed so would need a new one.

I have a 1995 intercooled turbo Rocky and that will do 90ks comfortably with 2.5-3 tons hanging off the back and will still hold 70-80ks up most hills with that load.

intrade, Mar 22, 3:20pm
take my advise forget about it use chemtech morreys diesel stop smoke or winns edt to prevent diesel seals shrinkage and corrosion problems, that will be the cheapest option and then just take it easy let cars overtake where ever you can do savely. Campers like this are not built to race abouts if you want something to overtake everything you will need a vw tdi or mercedes cdi camper.

tool.man, Mar 22, 6:21pm
point taken

tool.man, Mar 22, 6:25pm
thanks. yeah mine weighs 3.5 tons empty roughly 4 full (diesel water)

snoopy221, Mar 22, 6:28pm
Those engines are damn famous for shagging injectors and becoming gutless wonders.
My advise is remove the injectors and get them serviced.

franc123, Apr 18, 7:44am
And get a compression test done while you're in there.