Suggestions for Buying an Old Car?

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littlerae1, Feb 2, 4:45am
I'm not very good with manuals. I was always riding the clutch and nervous on hill starts - lol. Especially in Auckland city - eeek! I just looked up my WOF records and apparently I travel around 2,500 kms per year.

littlerae1, Feb 2, 4:52am
Thanks for these. It's giving me the idea of what to look for. :-)

littlerae1, Feb 2, 4:56am
Good to know. I wish there was a way to export all the listings so I can filter them in a spreadsheet. Would make things so much easier :-)

sqidlie, Feb 2, 5:02am
Use this site
put your rego N0. in and scroll down to see all the info on your car

littlerae1, Feb 2, 5:02am
Weird. I was getting it done every 12 months. I'll have to look back on my service invoices.

littlerae1, Feb 2, 5:07am
Yeah, that's where I got the 2,500 km from - lol! But I'm one of those idiots that paid for a full report *doh*

littlerae1, Feb 2, 5:16am
Okays, so I'll change my search to Toyota, year 2000, at least $5,000? That should narrow it down a bit. Will come back to it tomorrow.

sqidlie, Feb 2, 5:50am
sweet dreams (no cars but )

m16d, Feb 2, 11:09am
For your sort of money you could get a nice little VW Golf.
Nar. only joking.

edangus, Feb 2, 3:01pm
I have been hunting in this market for the last few weeks (3 - 5K) most of what I have seen are a giant pile of rubbish that I would not give to my worst enemy.
I am with a prior poster, if your car is in good nick, spend $500.00 every wof. $500.00 is easy to spend on a vehicle these days. certainly wont get much change from a front brake (revamp) job or a front shock (replacement) job on a newer vehicle.

littlerae1, Feb 2, 10:40pm
What would cause a tyre to crack like this? It's from a Toyota Ist 2004. Listing # 841853572

richardmayes, Feb 2, 10:42pm
Driver incompetence would have caused that.

Oh and that's a cracked wheel trim / hubcap. not a tyre!

jmma, Feb 2, 10:58pm
Parking by touch (o:

m16d, Feb 2, 11:12pm

trogedon, Feb 3, 2:02am
Ignore this.

ema1, Feb 3, 2:15am
Totally agree troggy.

sqidlie, Feb 3, 2:35am

edangus, Feb 3, 2:51am
Why mate? A $3K car is going to need just as much work. Sometimes the Devil you know and all that.

sqidlie, Feb 3, 2:57am
Look at it this way
a $3k to 5K car is up for sale for what reason?
The owner doesn't want to spend money on it for one
Just possibly you are buying a load of hurt for your pocket

kazbanz, Jul 10, 6:45am
mate you haven't been looking in the right places .
I know a caryard had (past tense) a mint little 1300cc march and a primera wagon with a few k's but driving well and a 200k civic hatch that again done a few k's but still driving really well.
Funnilly enough every buyer told the caryard that there was a lot of faeces out there in that price bracket.