Changing battery without losing settings

ambo11, Jul 10, 12:15am
Our RB1 needs a new battery, how do I change it without losing settings/remote code etc etc? Or is it an auto sparky job only?

aoc1, Jul 10, 12:24am
Jumper leads on terminal clamps so it keeps the charge while the battery is removed.

msigg, Jul 10, 12:27am
If you have another battery you can hook it up down the line, jumper leads etc, can be a tiny battery, like house alarm etc, then disconnect your main wires, at the battery shop they plug a small house alarm battery into the cig lighter or accessory socket, so long as 12 volt and a couple of amps your all good.

bigfatmat1, Jul 10, 1:20am
rb1 odyssey? it wont lose remote code just radio settings and time. safe to disconnect battery. otherwise as above but you still need to be carefull not to short terminals out that includes if you plug something into cig lighter

snork28, Jul 10, 1:27am
check this listing #
would be handy tool to have.

ambo11, Jul 10, 1:51am
Cheers, good to know. Radio not important as only use the sound container anyway, yep always really careful with terminals etc. Cheers

thewomble1, Jul 10, 5:46am
Would have to have ignition key in accessory position because most cig lighter sockets only become "live' when key is accessory or ignition position.

franken1, Feb 25, 4:28am
Repco Levin carry the memory retainer tool in post 5.