Question.Bought a another car from a dealer

mrsrickp, Oct 11, 11:54pm
no issues there. Had a current WOF. had been deregd as an old couple had parked it up for over a year. So here's my question. the day we collected the car the young guy from the dealers took it and put number plates on it from somewhere, PostShop or VTNZ. Now we have just noticed that the WOF has numbers on it where the number plate details go. Remembering that it had a recent WOF on it. How does this effect our insurance. if, god forbid we get banged in to and its got completely different details on the sticker. Can a dealer WOF a vehicle under dealer plates or do they have a special code for these things. Hope I have made things clear. its a girl thing!

ralphdog1, Oct 11, 11:57pm
I think you will find the numbers relate to the VIN number, as it had to get the WOF before it could get plates

franc123, Oct 12, 12:11am
Its usual for the above to happen until it gets the plates issued, the VIN will be substituted for the plate number. When the plates get allocated to it the WOF is still valid regardless of what number is written in the top box. Next time you pass a WOF it will take care of itself. In short don't worry about it.

mrsrickp, Oct 12, 12:11am
So would it still be covered under insurance?

familiadude, Oct 12, 12:18am
yeah still covered

trouser, Oct 12, 1:16am
Yes. The state of little stickers or pieces of plastic at the corners of your windscreen do not matter as far as insurance is concerned. The state of your car how ever is of utmost importance.

mrsrickp, Oct 12, 1:36am
No probs with the car at all. Had it thoroughly checked out. Was just trying to figure out the numbers on the car. It was WOF'd at a VTNZ up in Auckland so one assumes it is all good! It's their reputation after all.

rpvr, Oct 13, 3:51am
This happens when a used import is first registered, WOF is issued first before it has plates, so the VIN number goes on the WOF.

kazbanz, Oct 13, 1:59pm
When a vehicle has been deregistered it gets inspected and ultimately issued with whats called a MR2a and a new WOF.
So No plates yet. Any WOF's are related to the VIN number as there isn't a plate to relate it to.
If the "delivery" wof (less than 28 days before sale) is done before the plates are issued then the same happens. There are no insurance issues.
My only concern with your story is the part about "old couple let the rego lapse" I would be making really darn certain that this was the case.
It is one of the legendary lies told by sellers,Along with,"its my brothers car and he went overseas" and "I bought the car but now I have a company car" etc

bashfulbro, Feb 13, 3:38am
Yes, it will be covered, i bought a car, it had the rego number, in felt tip, written on the WOF sticker, i put my personalised plate on the car, and worried about the same, so i rang insurance company, they confirmed it did not matter.