hi all, we are wanting to purchase a car from a dealer, the car is a 2001 model holden with 145kms on the clock and very tidy. The price on the vehicle is $13,000 we asked the dealer yesterday to drop his price and he said he would drop to $12,350 and this will give us a price drop plus a new WOF, REG and full tank of gas! personally i think its a bit rude as it seems we are paying for our own wof, reg and tank of gas! is this right or does a car coming from a dealer have to have a new reg and wof to sell!
Jan 14, 10:04pm
As long as the rego and WOF is valid I don't think the dealer has to sell it with a new one. Holdens are a dime a dozen. Just go to another dealer who looks after you better and gives you a better deal. Also it will be good if you can get a full service history of the car if its NZ New, any car can be made to look 'very tidy' after a full groom.
Jan 14, 10:05pm
Fuel isn't cheap.Rego is crazy expensive, and wofs aren't cheap either.
Where would you like the dealer to get the money from to pay for things!
Jan 14, 10:06pm
Out of interest, what model is it! Is the engine a 6 or 8! The car should have WOF and be registered! I would think that is standard practice especially from a dealer! I am not an expert though and there are people who are dealers who frequent the TMMB.
Jan 14, 10:07pm
Well, it does need to have a certain amout of reg and wof, but it doesnt need a full tank! He is giving you a $650 discount, plus a free tank of gas and you're moaning! If you're not happy then dont buy it.
Jan 14, 10:14pm
OMG im not moaning FFS im mearly asking if it is general practice to have to pay for your own WOF and REGO from a car dealer! I can understand a private seller not putting a current reg and wof on if it "sell as is where is" deal but i thought from a car dealer its standard practiceto have this. Oh and by the way 40wav a $650 discount if F'All especially the mark up the put on vehicles go do some research before spouting off!
Jan 14, 10:18pm
So it was on the yard for $13000 with new wof! Now he is selling it to your for $12350 with new wof, reg and fuel tank of fuel!
Jan 14, 10:18pm
How the hell are you paying for your own reg and wof is what I mean. The car will come to you with reg, wof AND a full tank, and you will pay $650 less than asking. I guess it depends on how you look at it and it looks from here as though you expected a grand off. I am not going to research anything for you as I cant be arsed. As I said previously.If you dont want it - Dont buy it. It really is that simple.
Jan 14, 10:18pm
WOF no more thn 28 days old is a legal requirement. Rego must be current but most people expect at least three months when buying from me. Discount will vary depending on how competitively priced the car is in the first place. In this case we need more info but if it is a V6 Commordore or a Vectra I think that $12350 is plenty. If it's a Calais of SS then good buying. At the end of the day compare with others in the market and decide for yourself whether to buy this on e or another.
Jan 14, 10:19pm
I would think a rego and warrant is kinda like having tyres provided - they are just part of buying a car.
Again, can I ask what model you were looking at!
Jan 14, 10:20pm
Jan 14, 10:21pm
No its on the yard for $13,000 unregistered and warranted we offered him $12,000 for it as its been sitting in his yard for 1yr but he said he will sell it so us for $12,350 and he said he will put a new wof, reg and give us a tank of gas so it seems the extra $350 we will pay is actually paying for our own reg, wof and gas when i thought the dealer would need to have a current reg and wof to sell it in the first place!
Jan 14, 10:21pm
OP, perhaps go back and continue negotiations and see how far he'll drop with the tank left empty!
Jan 14, 10:22pm
Yes, hence my hint of sarcasm.
Jan 14, 10:23pm
WHAT GODDAMN MODEL IS THE DAMN CAR!! FFS, how many times does a person have to politely ask!!
Jan 14, 10:23pm
2001 holden commodore VX
Jan 14, 10:24pm
Then just say "no thanks, but we are still prepared to buy at $12,000 with new WOF and three months rego (from now). If he says no then walk. Simple as that and I recon when you walk he will call you back.
Jan 14, 10:24pm
I guess if you think your being made a fool of. Dont buy it buy one somewherelse.
Jan 14, 10:25pm
And if you spoke to me on lot as the Attitude post I would walk away from you and not want your business. Talk nicely and you will likely do a deal.
Jan 14, 10:27pm
Thanks - nice cars. Dare I ask. is it a V6 or 8! If its an 8 that is a pretty good deal. if its a 6. *meh* pretty average price.
Jan 14, 10:28pm
A quick search of TM shows you could get less ks and lower price for same year or even slightly newer. Maybe you are the one who should be doing the research.
Jan 14, 10:29pm
Jan 14, 10:29pm
It will be a V6
Jan 14, 10:31pm
haha oh thanks 40wav for doing some research for me.saves me a job!
Jan 14, 10:33pm
Yes I thought so. but if its been sitting around I thought there may be a chance he just wants to shift it and it could be a bargain. It would have to be a minter.
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