Is that a fault of the cyclist or the inadequate roads. Two abreast cyclists should go single file obviously.
Jun 25, 2:24am
If something goes "wrong" I'm not so sure the cyclist will be getting the clean end of the stick.
Jun 25, 2:27am
Sure it's not a truck and trailer but I get my 7 metre motorhome round bikes without any drama.
Jun 25, 2:32am
Got my popcorn, this should be fun. Cyclist can never be wrong yet there are going to be those silly non cyclists trying to tell them they are
Jun 25, 2:34am
Lol, I don't even ride a bike, just love the intense anger they generate. Bastds, using up my hard paid for Tarmac.
Jun 25, 2:36am
NON-cyclists also pay through rates. As well as RUC's, excise tax etc.
Jun 25, 2:42am
I'm guessing the majority of cycle operators also own cars, motorbikes, motorhomes,trailers, so probably pay that way.
Jun 25, 2:53am
Well what they pay on their car/motorbike/motorhome/traile- r covers their car's/motorbike's/moto- rhome's/trailer's share of roading costs. As mentioned above, it's like being pulled up with no rego and saying "its ok I've paid rego for my other car".
I don't have a problem with cyclists using the roads, and have been known to ride a bike myself, but I DO have a problem with a certain type of cyclist.
Jun 25, 2:54am
Driving north-bound along the open-road approx 3.30am, with my high-beams blazing, next thing i see is a cyclist heading south giving me the one-finger salute, at this stage i presume i blinded him?. Afew days pass, same time, around the same place (high-beams blazing), same cyclist again giving me the fingered salute, this time i turned around and went ahead of him and stopped (to check if he had a light on his bike), umm nope, no front light, but he had a rear-red light (strobing action). i decided to get on my way and avoid confrontation, knowing he was careless (at the very least) for not having a working front light.
Jun 25, 2:55am
off with their heads
Jun 25, 2:55am
With that kind of thinking I should only pay the rego on one motorcycle and maybe one car because I will in truly cover the cost for the rest. Sorry but no I have to rego each & every one, thats how it works in todays user pays world
Jun 25, 3:02am
Yeah but you can't blame the cyclists for not paying, the law doesn't ask them to. And yes some cyclists are tossers for sure, they are probably tossers behind the wheel as well.
Jun 25, 3:10am
You seem to think that cyclists don't own cars.
Jun 25, 3:10am
It was more the laugh I get with their logic used to say that they pay their way. I'm on the road at least 60 hours a week and see all sorts of dumb shit by both but still believe the cyclist that cause the bitching we read about here would be less than half
Jun 25, 3:11am
dingbat cage driver.
Jun 25, 3:13am
Some do, some don't, what is your point?
Jun 25, 3:13am
what about the savings due to reduced congestion and damage to the roads.
Jun 25, 3:14am
link to the numbers provided please.
Jun 25, 3:15am
Yeah, and when the blokes walk past you while your sitting at a cafe with their freakin Lycra bulging out, makes me want barf my coffee up. The chicks are ok though. Need to give a little, some proper knobs on both sides of the fence. Stay in single file, safest way.
Jun 25, 4:23am
Obviously he doesn't have them beyond the realm of his cranium.
Jun 25, 4:27am
You guys should try the wonderful enjoyment of riding a bicycle. Powering yourselves along rather than sitting with your lard asses in restrictive motor vehicles as your only conveyances.
Jun 25, 4:40am
Yup, that's on my things I want to do list. just below combing my hair with a potato peeler
Jun 25, 4:48am
+1, a nice feeling being able to transport yourself from A-B fuelled by sandwiches and bananas, instead of the non-renewable and ever-decreasing supply of fossil fuels/ rotten dinosaurs.
Jun 25, 4:56am
Take thee to the New age & spirituality MB this instant young man and never let your traitorous shadow darken the shores of the motoring MB again!
Apr 28, 4:28am
I'll give you a man hug if you let me stay.
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