Yep that's the problem. Part of the main st here in Oamaru is good as it was made in the day to accommodate a bullock cart turning apparently. (mind you having car parking in the middle brings the width down now)
Oct 11, 11:28pm
Another question. more aimed towards the cyclists here. Cycling over the Kaimai Ranges. good idea or not?
Oct 12, 12:27am
Riders on a forum (who live in that part of the country)I belong to ride over there and don't seem to have problems - apart from ice on the road! Middle of the day in the middle of the week (or early on a weekend AM) when fine is obviously going to be the best time to do it.
Oct 12, 12:57am
yes, but got the finger, should have run the effers over and I was towing trailer
Oct 12, 2:29am
Does this rule apply to the cyclists too? Can they only undertake(?) if they are allowing 1.5 metres. Should be the same for both? Thoughts? I would assume that this would apply at traffic lights / traffic jams also? ;-)
Oct 12, 6:37am
Cyclists can overtake too. I was pretty good on a bike when I was younger, I trained a lot around the coromandel and on a lot of the down hills I could easily catch and pass cars and trucks. Always fun keeping up with a bunch of guys on CBRs and R1s for a few km down the hills. I can't believe I ever did that now though, doing 100+kph on a 7kg push bike, if a stone jams your wheel, you get a puncture or hit a surprise bump you are going to lose a lot of skin and possibly your life. Oh to be young and stupid.
Oct 12, 4:41pm
You needed to ignore the finger and toot some more. They'll get the idea. Running them over would be illegal and showed you to be a sadistic bully - doing what you could do because you had the power to at the time.
Oct 12, 8:19pm
And most motorcyclists have cars too but we have to pay an extra tax, so I don't see why the lycra-clad have don't have to!
Oct 12, 8:20pm
You need to put on a ;-) happy face and look into it a bit then.
Oct 12, 8:28pm
It's time that cyclists pay rego like the rest of us road users. Could help to pay for the cost of widening roads.
This argument gets old real quickly. registration and fuel excise largely matches the maintenance costs from the damage caused to roads by motor vehicles. The rest, covered by rates and general taxes (i.e. what EVERYONE contributes to) helps pay for the new stuff, including cycleways. Good news: everyone is also allowed to cycle on those publicly-funded cycleways - even you.
Oct 12, 10:36pm
Just wondering, Will there be a clause in the legislation making cyclists give pedestrians a similar clearance?
Oct 12, 10:42pm
There should be no damage (or very little) if they built decent bloody roads in the first palce. But theres no money in things that last.
Oct 13, 12:26am
PFfffft 1,5 M I don't *uckin think so .25 M when I go past push bikes on our local narrow main roads ! Hey there won't be any contact !
Oct 13, 12:38am
Well are we going to tax pedestrians for walking on the pavement? What the hells tax got to do with it anyway,the question is about safety,not $.
Oct 13, 12:44am
Most Trolls are at least fun. but you're just boring.
Oct 13, 12:46am
If the cyclist chooses to ride at or near the middle of the lane (which they are entitled to) then a car cannot pass them, safe or not.
Oct 13, 12:51am
Neh lycra homo !
Oct 13, 12:55am
Yep, you're just boring.
Oct 13, 1:02am
brilliant comeback ! ! !
Oct 13, 1:19am
As an enthusiastic rider my self I just cant believe how the lycra brigade feel they can ride 2~3~4 or more abrest on our narrow country roads with no thought for cars and trucks !
Feb 16, 12:27pm
If his phantom car could travel at the speed of other cars, then ok, otherwise he is an unmitigated dangerous nuisance.
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