Buying diesel mileage online nzta?printing card?

zeilberg, Mar 7, 7:28pm
found out that im over my kms. now ive just bought more online but how do you print out your window card because id like to drive today but i cant do that if i have wait for it to arrive in the mail days later.

jmma, Mar 7, 7:34pm
How far over, there is a tolerence.
Copied from a post by berg (o:

As for the RUC label one, that's a throw back to the old days where you used to be able to pick your RUC weight. You had to display the RUC weight that you were on at the time which stopped unscrupulous operators buying light RUCs. That law will probably fall off at some stage in the future due to the new updated RUC legislation. And, you cannot be ticketed for less than 500km over-run on RUC (so no need to change that label half way over the harbor bridge) anyway. Both RUC over-run offences for heavy and light vehicles automatically have a 500km tolerance.

stevo2, Mar 7, 7:47pm
I just print the online receipt and carry it in the van until the window card arrives in the mail.

socram, Mar 7, 10:49pm
Do the same for the regos, as I put most of the vehicles on hold for three months when we are away and then do the renewals on line as soon as we return to NZ.

next-to-normal, Mar 8, 4:41pm
its logged in the police system,i got pulled two days after buying online and it was logged

chas10, Mar 8, 6:34pm
I thought it was an offence to not display the correct RUC label? Or has that changed now?

motorboy2011, Mar 8, 6:46pm
technically correct in that it's an offence not to display it (same goes in the case that the label is up to date but obscured/fallen off), a cop would have to be a right dick to enforce it. I just wouldn't leave it parked where parking wardens can see it

chas10, May 8, 12:03pm
I have received an infringement for this in the past. Highway patrol might let it go but the CVIU wont in my experience. I tried buying RUCs online once but because I couldnt print the labels and had to wait for them to be posted out I havent done it again.