Oh dear, the "new" Toyota engine only matches the Amarok's current engine in terms of performance, and the "new" auto has two less gears vs the Amarok's current auto.
Given VW have two new 200KW diesel options and the new 10 speed DSG auto on the way. that could make for a very embarrassing debut for the Toyota.
Hopefully they might introduce a high output BMW diesel engine option for the Hilux in an effort to retain some dignity .
May 8, 5:39am
FUGLY is it not
May 8, 5:45am
Can you imagine the internal conflict Toyota fans would face if the Hilux, the vehicle that created Toyotas reputation for dependability, were powered by one of them fancy euro diesels they love to hate?
May 8, 6:08am
Sounds good, in fact sounds like the perfect recipe for even further damage to VW's reputation through even more highly stressed componentry and complication. We wouldn't want VW's warranty claims dept to be running out of work any time soon.
May 8, 2:21pm
Why would someone need a vehicle of such size with that many KWs and gears? Might as well get a big Chevy Silverado or a Ford F250.
May 8, 2:51pm
Go back to 65kw and 4 speed you think?
May 8, 4:36pm
I was told on good authority that Toyota don't sink big R&D into diesel engines as petrol is there forte, hence the strong possibility of using euro technology to get up to speed in the diesel department, I bet this 2.8 unit isn't something Toyota just knocked up themselves
May 8, 10:50pm
They don't seem to be putting any R&D into their petrol engines either. Who knows what they spend it on? Hybrids?
May 8, 11:10pm
And if you dont think that is the future you need to wake up.
May 8, 11:18pm
Er. what? Context is what you are looking for, it's over there ->
toyota spent loads of money on r&D on electric hybrid technology they had developed togather with general motor the ev1 electric car , toyota has run the joint veture developed system in there rav4 ev1 and made the prius from this. where Gm crushed the ev 1 and only on 2010 or so made the chvrolet volt-ampera from its R&D so GM and toyota have similar knowhow about this as where vw mostly has sunk bullions in r&d on diesel and 4x4 technology. synchro and 4 motion now Hydreogen fuel-cell techology is where merzedes sunk billions in to development
May 9, 12:20am
Looks weird to me. I like the old one best.
May 9, 12:43am
yes to mugen20b, these ute are supposed to do the rough and tough farm ork not racing track stuff. You will find Toyota are going the right way to win customers.
May 9, 1:06am
Yes. less gears and less power is what you want for rough and tough farm work, that's why tractors only have. oh, no wait.
May 9, 1:10am
So you're saying tractors with lots of gears is why VW & Mercedes et al have gone for lots of gears. Now I get it.
May 9, 1:14am
Correct, there is some cool CVT tech coming out in tractors too.
May 9, 1:21am
Actually. in fairness, I think I can see where Toyota is headed with this "less is more" built tough, built to last idea. It's actually quite refreshing in today's throwaway society.
It would appear jazz has a poison pen folks. Anything non Euro gets infected by the bias poison. all to funny. & all too predicable. Try them before berating them I say.
May 9, 1:24am
Finally you understand what Barry was talking about. Keep spreading the message Jazz!
if Barry was alive today I recon he would have traded up to a ranger
May 9, 2:40am
I was convinced I liked the Hilux better than the Ranger until I saw this.
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