Wanted a new screen for the bike, saw a company online that makes these so contacted, they sent the info with 3 options of tint grade (clear, light & 'dark'). I phoned them & commented that the old screen had been painted on the inside giving it a very dark effect & Id like to keep that as I look over & not through it anyway. Screen wasn't cheap (add GST, packing & courier onto quoted price) & I chose the darkest tint. When it turned up its hardly dark at all especially when put up against the pictures sent in the email when placing the order. Contacted the company & they're pretty much 'thats our standard dark tint, it is what it is' even though I (& others Ive shown) reckon the item looks much lighter than the picture on the order form & I had made comment how dark I wanted it. Grrrr, deciding what to do next
Nov 27, 2:39pm
get it tinted could be the best, quickest, cheapest option
Nov 27, 2:39pm
Take it to a tinting place and tint it again.
Nov 27, 2:43pm
yeah, may have to but its more cost on top of what I really wanted to pay in the first place (yes Im a tight bastard)
Nov 27, 3:12pm
Paint it on the inside?
Nov 27, 3:31pm
Is it a givi screen?
Nov 27, 3:32pm
might melt it if you use some agressive paint lol You have a valid point , i would take a immage of the item and a immage of the ordered item and send it in to them so they change there website. or they sent you the wrong item.
Nov 27, 4:48pm
It's really hard to compare when photos is taken and put online. The light condition, exposure, screen etc all factor change. Unfortunately they may be telling truth that this tint is what is shown online. It's why it is dangerous getting proofs for printing approved with electronic images.
Nov 27, 6:39pm
nah, 'naked lady on a horse' brand
Nov 28, 12:47am
Latest offer is (as he reckons that tint is the darkest they have ? ) is a solid black one. I spose its something, sometimes an offer builds some goodwill . I think I'll just go with retinting, either look at playing with & testing a Tamiya spray that Ive seen on-line, or get someone else to darken it up (any suggestions?). Now the next saga is the front guard I gave to a mate to fill in yet more stud holes & paint, his colour match guy (who we've had trouble with before & I said Id prefer not to use) reckoned it had a slight green pearl in it. I do agree, & has been mentioned on here, its not straight black but I couldn't see any green pearl! Just went to pick up the guard & it's F'ING GREEN, way too much pearl that I could see from across the other end of the workshop & instead of stopping when realising it wasn't right kept going & I now have a green guard that is closer to my EL Falcon Heritage green than my Suzuki black . FFS! can't anyone do their job right anymore? How the hell do they stay in business?
Nov 28, 2:35am
Whggsh-Im guessing you mean the guys in Hamilton dude. there really are only three tints clear ,light and dark tint. My suggesting would be to see if a tint crowd will roll a film inside the screen so it still looks factory ish. With color matching uless the whole bikes being done I supply a sample panel to match to
Nov 28, 2:53am
Yeah, but with the curve the film will crease, it needs to be sprayed. & as for the guard. I did give a sample, the whole guard!
Nov 28, 3:55am
Wrong. The tinting guys can do complex curves. Think heat gun (hair dryer variety). Find yourself a good one and have a chat.
Nov 28, 4:38am
not what I was told & spoke to 2 today, especially when they saw the actual screen
Nov 28, 1:33pm
Sorry matey Ive had no issues getting curved stuff tinted. And its hard to colour match when the whole surface is primered. Honest injun dude a separate panel to match to is the answer
Nov 28, 2:37pm
Could there be a limit on how dark the tint is allowed to be - as with a car?
Good to hear others have problems with painters as well:-)
talk to someone else. someone who knows a bit more than flat glass tinting
check out youtube also . heaps of examples on there
Nov 28, 4:45pm
NOPE--you don't really look "through" a fairing screen
Nov 28, 4:47pm
Id suggest ya give rob man a yell.He might not be able to do work for ya but likely can advise
Nov 28, 6:32pm
No excuse not to match paint, especially on a bloody guard as its miles away from anything else and a slight mismatch wouldn't show. And what retard primes then decides to match? You do that first lol. And it is a mat type finish too. Seem to remember mentioning paint before.
Nov 28, 7:25pm
Yeah - I knew that kaz. But you know how stupid some regulations are.
Nov 28, 9:25pm
I betcha anything the match was done in the paint room not in the sun/under UV
Nov 28, 10:46pm
Nah, the guy (apparently) took it out into the sun & thats how he saw a green pearl in it. As Ive said before if green is there it's bloody negligible. It does have some pearl or something other than just gloss black but this was a closer match to my Heritage green EL 'coon. Anyhow, went in this morning, done the haka, got dosh back & expressed my doubts of their parentage. Even they admitted it was a pretty shit job, especially when you could hold the green guard in the shop & see mismatch with the black bike in the carpark, taking it out & putting them against each other wasn't necessary. but I did anyway
Aug 20, 10:29pm
All good-Now call touch up guys to do a repaint at your place-easy as.
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