Correct, the newest commodore I have driven would have been a rental 6 cylinder one about 17 years ago. I quite liked it, had plenty of room. I'm not saying that the newer stuff isn't fast or whatever, just that unless you are an electronics expert, they are not very 'hands on'. I used to quite enjoy fiddling with plug gaps / carbs, swapping intakes, setting clearances etc. (that's what I meant by interesting). Not so much setting / replacing points though. I like basic simple machinery, hence older V8s with Carbs. Would happily have a modern V8 as a daily driver, but not a 'toy'. Do you do anything (work / mods) to your Commodore, or just enjoy the drive (btw I'm not being rude, I'm interested).
Sep 6, 7:55pm
Yep, just sold my 07 V8 VE Calais, and I had slotted discs, an intake, tune, different wheels etc . And the new one I have bought a HSV exhaust (headers etc) to change once it gets its first check/service.
Sep 7, 6:14am
Cool, did you do it yourself, or get it done is what I am getting at. Admittedly I never did brakes or steering work - preferred to leave that to the experts. Does changing the exhaust affect the factory warranty? Would love a V8 for a daily driver.
Sep 7, 6:57am
All the stuff except the tune, they do it on a dyno
Oh and the Nolathane bushes in the rear, I had the back up on 3 ton axle stands and was swinging 22mm bolts and the whole car is moving, so I said bugger that and had them done on a hoist
Jul 21, 10:39pm
Ah yes, working under a car on stands. Yup, never a fun experience that one. Especially rear suspension arms etc. - this was on an HQ, so a bit more agricultural than your Commodore, although I have also done leaf springs on an XA, that was easier. Impressed that you have done it yourself - maybe I'm just getting old.
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