Our Mazda 2 has the feature to receive text & reply with preprogrammed messages. I can receive the text but can't reply. I have an Iphone 5c & it should be possible. The sales guy can't work it out. Has anyone else experienced this & know how to fix it?
Thanks pandai but that only helps with receiving text problems not replying
Aug 3, 1:15am
To be clear, which direction works? Text from phone to car? Text from car to phone?
Aug 3, 5:18am
If my phone receives a text it displays on the Mazda "infotainment screen" & can be read whilst driving. The reply icon is below, with the other functions, but it is "greyed" out so I can't select it to reply.
Aug 3, 5:20am
Had this function in company car and rentals and not one has ever worked to send one. I'd assumed it wasn't compatible with NZ. Which makes sense as if you replied you'd be typing a text which is illegal, I think.
Aug 3, 5:23am
Excuse my ignorance with regard to modern car systems, but what are you communicating via text with your car? Can you text the car and ask it to pop down the road and grab some fish and chips?
Aug 3, 5:31am
The feature allows to choose between a few preset messages e.g "I'll be there in 10 mins" this can be done by using the control knob. No different than changing a radio station really so completely legal.
Aug 3, 12:51pm
Yes, you are correct, i do it all the time. Only problem is it has trouble squeezing through the door to place an order.
Yep My Holden has it, and it works here. Maybe start with Mazda to make sure the software is the latest.
PS Mylink can read it out to you (can't read it in a moving car) and has a set of responses
Nov 22, 7:20pm
Well I'll be! Never knew that. Couldn't get commodore to work but maybe I didn't try enough. Op, sounds like feature is turned off on yours if reply button is blanked. Either by Mazda or in settings.
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