Removing scratch from Radio Screen

petetang, Feb 2, 12:48am
Cat slid down my new radio,leaving 3 deep scratches.
Any ideas on what to use to remove them,

kazbanz, Feb 2, 12:55am
Using a freshly skinned cat fur cloth--MUST be freshly skinned and cutting compound scrub away at the face of the radio. At the very least it will make you feel better.

kazbanz, Feb 2, 12:55am
Being serious--if you can feel the scratches the best you can do is reduce them.
Being a home repairer I would suggest going to Super Cheap auto and buying the Headlight restoration kit by Rainex.
Follow the instructions as if the radio face was a headlight.
That really will be your best bet to remove/reduce the scratches

petetang, Feb 2, 12:59am
Some expert said may damage GPS screen? using compond

kazbanz, Feb 2, 1:02am
You diddn;'t say GPS screen
is it a NEW radio with GPS? What brand/model?

petetang, Feb 2, 1:06am
Yes,all the bells and whistle,only 2 weeks old
Toyota brand

kazbanz, Feb 2, 1:19am
OK-you've got me--Ive3 not seen a Toyota with a GPS unit branded Toyota so I can't comment. Ive got a LOT of GPS units taken from Toyota's and all have a hard plastic screen
If its soft flexible feeling then I get their point---if hard plastic then what have you got to loose?--the screens damaged anyway

petetang, Feb 2, 1:55am
yeah,might give the compound a whirl.thanks

pericles1, Feb 3, 1:41pm
Use some toothpaste and a microfibre cloth

intrade, Jul 9, 8:46am
what is the screen tutcscreen? and what in the hell is your cat doing in a new car?