Does anyone know if a factory stereo in a mazda

claudek9, Jul 14, 4:17pm
premacy 2006 has an electrical loop to dim it when lights are on. I have replaced it with a basic sony single din stereo and since then the dash lights for speedo/tacho etc has stopped working. Fuses good, not sure about bulb as not sure where to look for it. Thinking that I have disturbed a loop through factory stereo as it was a big lcd display. Thanks

intrade, Jul 14, 4:59pm
they probably are a module on the can bus like on most modern cars. i hope you have not chopped up the wiring .
the radio is ised to often do comands like chimes for light on comands on your driver side door speaker . Removing it will brake the can-bus comunication ,, nissan wont even start if 1 node is dropping off the canbus and the bus is open circuit because something is unplugged or the wires cut= the same as a chopping off the tracks the bus runs on.

intrade, Jul 14, 5:11pm
did you see any twisted wires? becaus that is the can bus wiring.
fred kicks the can fred= frsutrating-redicules-electron-

here is how it works they all talk on this can bus and if one drops of they can have a fit and shut the car down if they think fred has died.
its not quite like that but essentially it is depending on the programming

stanys, Jul 14, 5:27pm
Some one might help, and not sure if I'm under the right heading. Im trying to locate a boat I sold some 15 years or so ago to a gent in Kerikeri.
It's a wooden athol Burns double ended design with a 5 hp Yanmar diesel. The boat is 20 odd feet long on a sound road trailer. It is an open boat with a central steering. have made many enquiries, including boat yards, clubs, harbour master but with no result. At the time of sale it was painted yellow on the out side and light blue interior. I have photos available, any help would appreciated.

cjohnw, Jul 14, 5:30pm
You need to start a new thread about this. Not add it into a thread about a car stereo. Might get a better response.

stanys, Jul 14, 5:47pm
Thanks for the advice Q how do I start a "thread.

stanys, Jul 14, 5:51pm
Some one might help, and not sure if I'm under the right heading. Im trying to locate a boat I sold some 15 years or so ago to a gent in Kerikeri.
It's a wooden athol Burns double ended design with a 5 hp Yanmar diesel. The boat is 20 odd feet long on a sound road trailer. It is an open boat with a central steering. have made many enquiries, including boat yards, clubs, harbour master but with no result. At the time of sale it was painted yellow on the out side and light blue interior. I have photos available, any help would appreciated

intrade, Jul 14, 6:26pm
go to tradme motoring on top click motoring
then in blue start a new thread make sure you title it so you find it again and then you go look whom posted in there refresh on webbrowser loads the thread your in new .

claudek9, Jul 14, 6:33pm
No twisted wires.

franc123, Jul 14, 7:45pm
And the ground wire for the new head unit has been connected where. ?

pyro_sniper2002, Jul 14, 7:50pm
Probably the illumination circuit. People like to do that with Toyotas and end up with no dash or tail lights.

claudek9, Jul 15, 4:40pm
all wires from the head unit were connected to their corresponding wires from the factory loom, so ground is to factory ground, etc. all good, think its a job for a autosparky.

intrade, Jul 15, 5:00pm
so you have a wiring diagramm?
how else would you know what is what because there is also 1 wire data bus and they look like possible grounds when they are not. that car is new enough to over 85% chance talking to the radio even on a other non can system.
i never use grounds of a loom i always ground a aftermarket radio to its own car body ground.

toyboy3, Jul 15, 5:09pm
First check is do the park and tail lights work ? Next reference point did the problem occur just after the radio installation ?

intrade, Feb 3, 12:06pm
What you need is not a sparky you have to see with a factory level diagnostic tool. this is important radio is not a emission item so only factory tool will see these codes
see if you have comunication problems like if they cant ecen comunicate with the car via data link connector= and if they can are there any comunication error codes i dont know what they will be on a mazda on GM they will be u1000 U and 4 digits code and its never the one the code relates to, so if you got codes for that= reverse the radio to factory
you could also do that but it might not work again till you clear the codes and you wont clear em with a global obd2 code reader as that is emission only once again .

Now if they at mazda dont tell you a similar story what i wrote of possible cause then you better find a better place , and if they must explain to you why it wont matter if you fit a aftermarket radio in the car.
if they say it never matters on any mazda and i am sure as hell it does metter all car manufacturer talk to radio. even i can turn my radio on on my 2001 vw via the dlc obd2 and factory scanner and its got no twisted pair can bus in my vw thank god for that lol
if they say it dont matters they are a bunch of morons.
you need full explenation how and why it would matter on your car make year and model then you know you talk to somone competent.