Nitro Diesel

kam04, Dec 11, 5:50pm
Anyone offer any comments on the diesel version of the Nitro. All opinions welcome.

tamarillo, Dec 11, 7:27pm
Depends what you want it for. As a softroader alternative to RAV4 etc it's terrible with ancient chassis and drivability.
But it is a proper off roader, has good Diesel engine, and looks butch.
There was a test in uk autocar that should come up online.

2get1, Dec 11, 10:45pm
I had one for a couple of years, good drive vehicle, capable enough if you only need a soft roader, as in beach, ski field roads etc as they don't have huge ground clearance. They have that different look which makes them stand out.

I chipped mine and put a decent K&N airfilter and gutted the cat, woke it up abit. They go pretty good being a common rail.

They get good economy, dont buy a petrol one they have less power and are thirsty pigs, really thirsty.

If you fold down the back seats theres enough room to get a double mattress in there and sleep.

kam04, Dec 26, 3:30pm
Did you use this as an around town vehicle. It has been mentioned in previous threads that diesel engines aren't recommended for low mileage around town running.

msigg, Dec 26, 3:46pm
The diesel if fine for running around town, far more economical than a big lugging petrol, as with any vehicle you do need to give them a bit off work now and then, decent motorway running is great for them, get them nice and hot. Plenty of diesel cars and trucks and SUV vehicles go to work and back every day,all around the world.

intrade, Dec 26, 3:53pm
anything with a dpf will need long distance drive.
you dont gut no catilisator on a diesel. the cat is used to light up the dpf for burning it out , and the engine is programmed to throw diesel in to the exhaust every 50 to 100km to burn out the dpf.
dpf burnout procedure takes 50 minutes constant mid range rpm level to stay at higer rpm. if you turn it off like on short trip =
lighting your fire place with kindling and then throwing water at it after 10 minutes .
in the end you need a flame thrower to start your fire place.
pritty much the same thing on diesel= forced regeneration with special scantool to force it in to propper burn out mode and if you wait even longer the dpf will be so blocked that it has to be replaced or mechanically cleaned in special baths costing 3/4 of a new dpf in the end.

intrade, Dec 26, 4:01pm
now if you have a new diesel with adblue- they can do short trip driving as a urea injector is actuated to clean the emissions on these.
Now sit down i tell you some more truth here.
You know that vw scandal of emission cheating.
New adblue vehicle you would need a 150liter adblue tank for short trip driving . like trucks have.
Ths is not possible to have fitted on normal pasaanger cars.
So guess what all manufacurer did do
Yes right i told you they all cheat.
they run the adblue in the lab at 100% and on road after some time they start to run the bypass system to use less adblue . or you be filling up adblue with every tank of diesel also.
For this reason the laws are now changed to less strict and vw only cheated now 6000 vehicles or other manufacturer would be sued one by one now
Also vw on euro 6 has beeen cheating the least of all car makers.
i posted that link a while ago on here.
the figures are not 100% correct its what i recall from reading articles

serf407, Dec 26, 4:02pm
The diesel engine is a vm motori made in Italy.

butterfly05, Dec 26, 4:17pm
Just more propaganda from the VW crowd nothing to see here.

VW didnt just cheat they flat out lied.

2get1, Apr 25, 5:31am
I used mine as a round town car during the week, short distances like less than 10km, hell to work was probably only 5km. In the weekends it did longer trips 30min shortest 3hpurs often and on the open road trips I would drive it hard and cruise at 130kp/h. I had no problems at all with mine and the cat had been gutted. Not all late model diesels have DPF or whatever it is. The nitro didn't as I looked int this when servicing it and is made a huge difference as to what engine oil it took.