Toyota Highlander dangerous?

billyfieldman, Sep 20, 8:24pm
Six judges remarked that the car is dangerous on dirt roads.

bill-robinson, Sep 20, 8:29pm
the first and most important part of stabillity control is the driver. the electronic system is for idiots who are driving beyond their abillity

curlcrown, Sep 20, 9:11pm
How can he blame the incident on deficiencies in ESP and in the same paragraph mention that it has never happened in the magazine's 45 year history? Did vehicles tested 40 years ago have better ESP systems?

tamarillo, Sep 20, 10:40pm
Recall well that test and aftermath. It wasn't lazy journos, they really did think hard about it, and many drivers tried it, in exactly same way as all the other cars. experienced journos genuinely felt the settings were wrong and made it dangerous.

mrfxit, Sep 20, 11:46pm
"Did vehicles tested 40 years ago have better ESP systems?"

Simply . yes = drivers with brains & no electronics to try & do it for us.

serf407, Sep 21, 1:33am
The roof pillars for old Landrovers etc(no roll cage) were not very strong(plenty of sharp metal edges, no laminated glass, rubbish seat belts), if one valued one's well being; one was very careful in off road situations.

lookoutas, Sep 21, 3:31am
Laminated glass became outlawed before seatbelts became law, due to the implications of heads protruding through a window and then trying to go back in!
That's why windscreens became toughened glass only, until seatbelts stopped this happening. Hence, laminated came back in vogue due to them not shattering and causing instant lose of vision.
All door & rear windows are still toughened glass that shatters to eliminate cutting injuries.

andrewcg53, May 25, 1:00pm
What idiot dose high-speed gravel road testing.