Diesel ulsd probleme thread number 101

intrade, Jul 21, 6:24pm
Now if you know me i like to know the truth because thats how you find and fix problems there is no God and wizardry and ghosts dont exist because i have not seen real proof of it. ok no offence to any religious people you can still have your God as i also dont have proof he dont exists if he did exist probbaly cant be stuffed with morons like humans , i would guess.
Anyhow if anyone has good information like on the other thread with ethanol i always welcome true facts . Assoumptions is what leads you down the wrong path like flowcharts. thats ok if only one way leads to Rome. but you can NOT! start guessing if a few tousend different ways lead to Rome as to what path to take to chase what path this particular problem did take.

If you dont understand what i just wrote
Then you know why you would not understand when i write something because i cant make You think like me. I also think all professional diagnostic technitions do think in this manner its the way you can find problems.
you can try pray to make problems go aways, to me thats just a waste of time. No offence to reliigion. it dont work for me , only cold hard facts is what i like to base things on if i can get to know them.

intrade, Jul 21, 6:30pm
now to the problem it all started a long long time ago when hansel and gtetel got lost in the forrest.
no just kidding
it started when marsden point done some experiments with diesel. no one did know what exactly they did but Bp at this time sold the fuel at pumps. i dont know the years but it dont matters but that is the beginning of it all.
Now a naigbour had a leaking fuel injector pump on his 1988 2c toyota diesel from this bp fuel sold back then.
there was a notice about experimental blabla and if you used bp fuel they would repair your leakage if it had occured.
So the van went in to the diesel place who was getting paid to repaire these vehicles . thats all facts it all happend
back then no one did know about ulsd diesel all that was knowen it was experimental fuel.

intrade, Jul 21, 6:39pm
in the meantime therre was this information that nz diesel is not compatible with modern diesel, nothing more alll wishiwashy vague information to the public .
Then they switched to ulsd fuel. and there was denial that the leakages and damaged injector pumps where caused by ulsd fuel because blablabla it to standard when it was made .
i have started to research stuff and the first thing i noticed wahooo that diesel is almost like petrol beween your fingers
so the alarm bell went on in my head something is wrong what can you do lubrication is only from diesel fuel in all Diesel even modern commonrails . so i made a batch of this fuel and added chemtech diesel additive , and woala it did feel like propper diesel again.
i know this is not scintific but i guarantee you it was fact.
i always told about this problem and how to combat it .
back then it was huge and no one did know why these nomerous problem existed, after all the manufacturer did make the fuels to there spec and did not take on any blame what so ever .

intrade, Jul 21, 6:49pm
today you do this test the diesel is feeling not like petrol any more. hmm what has changed .
and why do i still recommend you add a diesel additive today?

it is going to get complicated but i have learned new information that explains this fact.
the manufacturer did make the fuel to minimum standard lubrication correct when it did get shipped from the manufacturer plants.
The problem is cross contermination .
The holding tanks of petrol stations where filled for ever with high sulfur diesel befor this ulsd fuel and they had unexplained rapid agressive corrosion in some of the tanks its that what destroyed the lubrication factor of the ulsd fuel to make it like it was petrol between my fingers because the cross contermination destroyed the lube of the fuel. = a perfect explenation that there was insufficient lube present in some fuel batches .
Now no one did know that but i did know for a fact it was not sufficient to lubericate when i did my finger rub test.

intrade, Jul 21, 6:55pm
the reason why its now less of a problem is 1
the rusted out tanks would have been replaced and new tanks only ever have seen ulsd fuel inside them. Your old diesel tank would also do what the petrol station tanks did if you did not use a diesel additive to combat these problems with every tank of diesel you filled.
some sufferd more some less some non apperant damage. its why there was loads of denail about it because it would not destroy all diesel it was russian roulett, and i did know this but had no explenation what exactly did cause it , all i did know is what combats the problem and that i was going to take no risks.

intrade, Jul 21, 7:01pm
So fast forward passing the 99 other threads i already made about ulsd problems and they all dropped off the cliff at the end of tradmes forum.
its another reason why i cant be bothered to correct any spelling mistakes on here the threads drop off sooner or later anyhow.
Why do you want to still use a diesel additive today
the problem is "biofuel and ethanol and seal shrinkage".
the additive add extra lube we dont need now you think . yes right mostly we dont need extra lube now because the problem has gone, or has it not?
how do you know you dont still have cross contermination . you dont know the risks have shrunk now but they are still there.

intrade, Jul 21, 7:07pm
So i recommend you find a suitable! diesel additive and add it to your tank on regular basis because diesel engine repair of modern diesel cost 10 folds of what older diesel engine repairs where.
On high sulfur diesel you would run a diesel injector for half a million km and if it was faulty no problem it still worked somehow you would not even notice much higher fuelconsumption on most diesel with faulty injectors, and the old diesel did swell the seals up so there was hardly ever any leakage of any pump gaskets
modern diesel destroy quickly if there is a small sproblem snowballing in to a large problem if ignored .

intrade, Jul 21, 7:12pm
Now why do manufacturer always tell not to use additives
vw uses its own diesel additive on there factory test vehicles and there like, So why do even they tell not to us a additive ?
The reason is they have no controll over what you will use as a additive.
So its more easy to tell not to use any to stop people adding what ever crap they could dream off as additive causing more problems for potentail faild systems when the recommended additive was not used but what ever instead.
that is the factual reason why manufacturer state not to add any additives.

tweake, Jul 21, 7:22pm
modern diesel does meat minimum lube specs. but what people forget is the old diesel lube spec was well above minimum and could tolerate contamination.

change to modern diesel but people still contaminate the fuel. eg petrol into diesel, gas stations draining incorrectly fueled cars into the diesel tanks, water from old tanks or tankers not cleaned out, watering down the fuel with kero or jet fuel. water and dirt dripping in off the filler cap.

add to that modern injection system have extremely tight tolerances and fuel filters that can even strip parts of the fuel out. they are not forgiving to poor fuel like old systems.
plus repair cost are 10x the price.

tweake, Jul 21, 7:24pm
so diesel has gone from a system that has some room for error, to one that has none.

noodleman4, Jul 21, 11:03pm
So if you never used BP your fine ?

tweake, Jul 21, 11:23pm
i don't think it was limited to BP.

before low sulphur diesel came out there was quite a few runs of injector pump seals failing. we had several of our work vans in at once. the injection guys had queues of them all at once. a few months later same thing, heaps of diesels blew the seals all at the same time.

my guess was that they sneaked it in before hand and let the susceptible pumps fails. so when they rolled it out for good there was very few that actually failed.
that way it looks successful and they avoided having to deal with claims like they did with the faulty petrol saga.

intrade, Jan 11, 3:24am
RE 12 yes thats what i think as well.---