Toyota voxy

lee289, Mar 13, 7:04pm
I am looking at buying a toyota voxy and want to know if anyone has had good or bad experiences with them?
I was looking at one with automatic sliding doors and a car sales man (trying to sell me one without) said they are no good. I need your help.

tamarillo, Mar 13, 7:38pm
Ask yourself how many of them you see on our roads, and then how well supplied will market be with parts and repair knowledge.
If that raises questions have a look at the previa.
I realise this doesn't answer your question, and pleased ignore me if you don't find that useful.

saxman99, Mar 13, 7:45pm
Can't comment on the Voxy but in regards to auto sliding doors, my sis has them on her mpv and reckons they are totally brilliant and wouldn't be without them. I would stick to your guns and wait for one with these.

lee289, Mar 14, 1:28am
Thanks guys useful feed back anyone have any info about the water pumps I wonder if they should be looked at due to them not being done regularly with cam belt

kazbanz, Mar 14, 5:03am
lee--the Voxy IS a Noah -latest generation of the townace people mover.
I won't bore you with the reason for dual names etc.
Yout salesman should have kept his mouth shut Im sorry to say.
The deal with lekkie doors in jappas is that its not an all or nothing scenario. Should eventually the electrics freak out then flip the switch on the dash and the doors revert to full manual operation.So what have you lost having a van with lekkie doors?

tamarillo, Mar 15, 12:52am
Knowledge fountain. Whew!

jmma, Mar 15, 1:14am
Yes Kaz is better than google Lol (o:

lee289, Apr 28, 4:09am
Thanks for that Kazbanz, very much appreciated!