Not even close. That would be the pony motor for the Wartsila-Sulzer RTA96-C 14 cylinder. 13.5 meters high, 26.59 meters long and weighs over 2300 tonnes with 25,480litre capacity. Makes a handy 107,390hp.
Apr 1, 2:51pm
Hardly the same ballpark, one from 1932 and the other from 2006. Still, both impressive in their own right.
Apr 1, 3:15pm
Would be a bugger if you had to pay RUC on that!
Apr 1, 3:52pm
I didn't make the claim.
Apr 1, 7:48pm
Post and link claims it's the largest diesel engine fullstop, which it is not, regardless of age.
Apr 1, 9:43pm
We must be reading different posts. the one I read said it was the largest in 1932, and the link said it remained the largest for 30 years.
Apr 1, 11:13pm
Perhaps read all of the page n the link.
"This diesel engine was the biggest and most powerful engine for 30 years- from 1932 to 1962. "
Apr 1, 11:17pm
Actually if you read the OP, the heading says 1932 as does the first line in the OP.
Apr 1, 11:18pm
Post actually says "Worlds largest diesel 'comma'( you will note, no 'full-stop' ) The remainder of the heading qualifies the the first part of heading as to power and age.
If you want to be pedantic - at least pedant correctly, else I will Doxford you.
Apr 2, 12:26am
Would love to know how much fuel it uses. Could pop one in a old hilux if it wasn't to dear to run ???
Apr 2, 12:31am
I remember the Gear meat in Petone had 2 big old marine deisel generators , used to run the whole plant in the early days But many decades later used to fire them up to keep within their power block otherwise they paid for another whole block . The engineers were shit scared they were going to blow up they were so old&worn out & wouldnt go near them when running , used to belch clouds of black smoke
Apr 2, 3:32am
Forget the old clunkers - go gas turbine :)
Apr 2, 4:29am
I wonder what the most powerful gasoline engine ever, was? Maybe the Pratt and Whitney R-4360 Wasp Major used in various American planes like the giant B-36 Peacemaker Intercontinental bomber which used six of them in pusher configuration. 3200kW, 71Ls.
Apr 2, 5:08am
until VTEC came out robonik.
Apr 2, 5:48am
I will check out the versions of the Bristol Centaurus toimorrow.
Apr 1, 6:08am
Nah it would have to be an old lister single cylnder-what else can hang in there on the gravy stroke for so long and then fire. Nah it would have to be an old lister single cylnder-what else can hang in there on the gravy stroke for so long and then fire.and do it Happy april the 1st-lol
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