Speedo on Hyndai santa fa Diesel

julz105, Sep 26, 3:02pm
A freind ov my brothers has a 2008 Hyndai santa fa diesel is there anyway He can unhook the speedo that wont up set anything or is there something he can fit an whats it called to his vechile.

franc123, Sep 26, 3:10pm
For the purposes of doing what? Dodging RUC's and breaking the law?

julz105, Sep 26, 3:28pm
only asking the question as he has no comp. my car is petrol anyway so need for me to break the law RUCs should be added into the pump prise anyway like auzzie.

franc123, Sep 26, 4:09pm
Given the usual reason its done its highly unlikely anyone will give you the answer on a public forum.

intrade, May 1, 5:01am
there is a short answer and there is a long answer and both end with NO